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Health Care

Our voices were heard: No wait-list for Healthy Families!

December 18, 2008
Congratulations! Last week California members sent over 3,600 letters to Governor Schwarzenegger and our legislators in Sacramento to oppose a proposed wait-list for kids' healthcare coverage. Our voices were heard!

Toxic chemicals found in 1 of 3 children's toys

December 5, 2008
Starting your holiday shopping this week? The LAST thing you want to be giving the children and babies on your list is dangerous chemicals like lead and arsenic.
Donna's picture

We really mean it - no toxic toys for our kids!

November 25, 2008
You can't take your eyes off them for a second. No, I'm not talking about the kids. This time, it's the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) monkeying around with toxic toys.
Donna's picture

Guiding Principles for Chemical Regulatory Reform for the Obama transition government

November 20, 2008
I got a call the other day from a mother in Louisiana whose two year old daughter had started growing breasts. Today, there came another call from a mom who is anguishing over the plastic baby bottles she has been using for her children.

Nov 2008: A Dialog Among Organizations Working to Build a Family-Friendly America

November 18, 2008
POST-ELECTION WRAP-UP AND LOOKING FORWARD This year we had the pleasure of working with MomsRising members to elevate key family issues for candidates through personal communications to candidates and media displays at the Democratic and Republican conventions. Our members also worked hard to get...
Nanette Fondas's picture

Women Sealed The Deal

November 10, 2008
For the last two years, I've been writing and telling anyone who would listen that American women could elect the next president, if only they voted. Well, this time they did, and there is no doubt that women were a decisive factor in the election of Barack Obama.

Tainted Candy alert - Halloween

October 29, 2008
Here is a heads up about some Halloween candy that could be bad for kids: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers not to consume White Rabbit Creamy Candy or Koala's March Crème filled Cookies because they may contain melamine.
joan's picture

Kid Safe Chemical Act – Making Products Safe for Our Most Vulnerable Consumers

June 25, 2008
Every day across the country, parents and consumers rely on products containing hundreds of chemicals. They assume the government has done its job and that these products are safe for their intended use.
Congresswoman Hilda Solis's picture

Presidential Candidates: Moms and Newborns Need Paid Family Leave!

March 11, 2008
On International Women's Day Saturday, I started thinking about moms around the world and then moms in our own United States of America. As the mother of four children, I've spent a lot of time over the years breastfeeding babies, and so I wondered: Why do moms in the U.S. still lack a guarantee of some paid maternity leave so they have time to bond with their bundles-of-joy?
Nanette Fondas's picture

California: Healthcare for All Kids!

October 27, 2007
MomsRising members feel strongly that every child should have access to healthcare and are deeply concerned that approximately 683,000 children in California still don't have healthcare. In response, our members have taken more than 32,000 actions in the last year to call for healthcare coverage...
Ashley Boyd's picture
