Currently on my mind:
- Editorial calendars
- Moms Meetups
- Play date scheduling
- Purging
- Packing
- Providing additional documents to loan officer
- Block off 3 hours to do the kid's hair
Yes, yes, y'all. It. Is. Time!
Can you tell I'm excited? I've been waiting for this day since August 31st of last year. This is my most precious little project that I hope becomes bigger this month because of you.
This is the month MomsRising will be bringing you stories from…are you ready? You! Come back and check throughout the month because we will be featuring stories from our members across the country.
Because it's National Breastfeeding month, these stories will be specifically about breastfeeding (successes and struggles). You'll see that the stories are tied to paid family leave and for good reason.
In 2011, the Surgeon General put out a call to action to support breastfeeding. The breastfeeding recommendation calls for exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age. But we know that doesn't happen often.
28.8% of mothers did not meet their intention to breastfeed at least 3 months. Odds of not meeting intention to breastfeed at least 3 months were higher among mothers who returned to work full time before 3 months.
It is difficult to continue something that you don't fully have time to establish. Giving moms and babies time to get used to a routine is so important.
I was lucky to have had my own mother as my rock during my breastfeeding journey. She had told me it would be difficult and I guess that runs in the family. I made it through the tough spots but I look back and wonder if I would've been able to do that had I not had disability insurance to help me cover the costs of being out of work during my maternity leave. Yes, I needed disability insurance because in the U.S., only 13% of employers offer paid leave. Crazy, right?
With 60.7% of the labor force being mother with children under 3 years old, you imagine how paid family leave (or rather, lack thereof) has already affected so many families and so many businesses. Which is a shame because if 90% of US families met the Healthy 2020 objectives to breastfeed exclusively for 6 months, the United States would save $13 billion per year. But, who's counting?
I can give you stats til the cows come home. But what I want to give you is hope. As you go through this month, stop by the blog and read about your fellow Risers. We want to hear about your experiences too. Tell us your story or share your thoughts with us on social media using #RisersNBM16 (speaking of social, are you following us on Instagram? We'd love to see your faces!).
Every other Monday, our Military Mondays will focus on breastfeeding. How cool is that?!
Join us as we engage on breastfeeding topics on our Wellness Wednesday tweet chats at 2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT every week (and we are lucky enough to have 5 Wednesdays this month! It's a sign, I tell ya!). Use hashtag #WellnessWed to follow the convo. Here are the topics:
- 8/3: Paid Leave and Breastfeeding
- 8/10: Breastfeeding at Work
- 8/17: Breastfeeding and Healthcare
- 8/24: A Look Back at the Surgeon General's Call to Action
- 8/31: Black Breastfeeding Week Celebrating #BlackBFJoy
We also have some influencers from around the internet stopping by to share their thoughts and their experiences with breastfeeding.
Finally, if you haven't already done so, check out the reading assignment some of us gave to our lawmakers as they went home for recess and if you have time, give one to your member of Congress.
I'm a firm believer that our stories make a difference. That our lawmakers won't ignore our collective voices if we stand together and share our stories.
I'm excited about this month and I hope that you are too!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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