Workplace Justice
Advancing equal pay, paid family and medical leave, paid sick days, breastfeeding rights, and other workplace justice policies from the local to federal levels.
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On average, Native women earn only 52 cents for every $1 paid to white men working part-time, full-time, and part year. For Native moms, it’s just 41 cents because in addition to sexism, racism and colonialism, moms face additional wage discrimination and barriers to employment.
Under current law, nearly half of Washington workers who are eligible for paid leave are not guaranteed their job back if they take leave. Accessing paid leave could not only result in being fired, but could also cause workers to lose access to healthcare at a time when they or their family need it the most. House Bill 1213 would fix that.
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If you or your family have been affected, please consider sharing your story now. You can even do so anonymously.