Moms Leader to Trump: From Family Separation to Family Jail? NOT Okay!
Lisa Lederer, 202-371-1996
“Today’s Executive Order (EO) proves that the voices of moms, dads and people are powerful. But this EO does not stop the Trump administration from continuing human rights abuses, like imprisoning entire families, in the name of immigration enforcement, so we will continue to keep our voices raised, our calls going into Congress, and our letter writing, petition signing and rallying at full throttle. Imprisoning children with their families is still imprisoning children.
“The moms of America have zero-tolerance for Trump’s human rights abuses.
"It’s long past time for the President’s lies and destructive immigration policies to end. Children deserve to be with their families outside of cages and they deserve to have their rights protected. Families should not be imprisoned. Reuniting children with their families and then imprisoning them indefinitely in jails or detention centers is no solution, nor is forcing them to return to the violence and danger they risked their lives to flee. Trump’s EO today did not resolve these matters.
“Our nation must do better than this.
“The entire nation and world have been horrified by the cruel, vicious way the Trump administration has treated asylum-seeking families, causing deep and lasting trauma to children and parents who come to our country seeking help and escape from violence and natural disaster. The administration’s actions have been, and still are, completely indefensible and absolutely immoral, and mothers across the country – from First Ladies to everyday moms – have roundly and rightly condemned them. The Trump administration has been undermining our values and disgracing our nation.
“Quite simply, our nation’s aspirational founding ideals in the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution were that everyone should have freedom from oppression and persecution, as well as liberty and justice. Those ideals haven’t been met yet. We’re still working on creating a ‘more perfect union,’” as written as an aspirational goal in the U.S. Constitution. We can’t allow human rights abuses in the name of immigration enforcement to continue to happen -- and we also can’t turn our backs on one another now.
“The Trump administration created this crisis and the Trump administration must offer real solutions that treat immigrant and asylum-seeking families with fairness, compassion, care, dignity and respect.”