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image showing an animated Black woman with a cape flying

February 2021 #KeepMarching meeting: What's WINNABLE in Congress?

February 18, 2021
At last night's February #KeepMarching meeting, we discussed winnable opportunities to create real and lasting change for our families, communities, and economy in 2021. We learnt about the two exciting bills that will be reintroduced in Congress to push universal child care, key policies like a $...
Gloria Pan's picture

Sign Our Letter: Tax Credits for Working Families NOT Mega-Corporations!

February 18, 2021
I don’t need to tell you that our families are struggling. Everything is harder in a pandemic—affording rent, paying our bills, putting food on the table, affording childcare, and trying to do our jobs. This is why we need real solutions that put real money in the pockets of struggling families...
Hanna's picture
CRUEL & INHUMANE - The Death Penalty

Top 5 Justice Actions: Friday, February 19, 2021

February 18, 2021
As we all come down from our sweet sugar highs of another passing Valentine's Day we at MomsRising are uplifting sentiments of love as we continue to fight for moms, parents and families during these uncertain times. This week we are inviting MomsRising members across the country to join us in...
Beatriz Beckford's picture
MomRising's Mandate for America

El Mandato Para EE.UU de MomsRising

February 12, 2021
Los desafíos que enfrentan las mujeres, y especialmente las madres y mujeres de color, son más serios en este momento que en años. Los datos están disponibles y la pandemia está teniendo un impacto enorme en las mujeres y las mamás, y las mujeres de color experimentan daños agravados debido al...
Xochitl Oseguera's picture
February 2021 KeepMarching call

Top 5Actions for Friday, Feb. 12, 2021

February 12, 2021
This week we have a wide range of important actions for you to take as you start your weekend from urging Congress to support comprehensive legislation addressing the Black maternal health crisis, to signing up to hear about what’s WINNABLE in Congress as we #KeepMarching for change, to ending the...
Sue Anne Reed's picture

Tell Congress to pass the For the People Act

February 9, 2021
Recent years have shown us more than ever that who we elect to represent us has a big impact on our lives, our community, and our country. For too long, there have been assaults on our democracy. Unnecessary barriers to voting, gerrymandering, and intentional voter suppression of communities of...
Felicia Burnett's picture
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A close up photo of a wildflower in a meadow, with blue sky in the background

The Nature of Closure

February 8, 2021
Winter has been whispering at our closed doors and windows for a few months now. Frigid air, cloud cover, fewer rays of sunshine. The colder weather and shorter days affect us, whether we are aware of it or not. Our bodies have instinctively been instructed to pull the curtains hunker down. There...
Beth Anstandig's picture
Keep Marching call, Feb. 2021

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: Friday, February 05, 2021

February 4, 2021
It’s go time!! The Biden Administration and the new Congress are getting to work on moving forward critically important policy changes -- and they need to hear from you. Important legislation regarding paid leave, voting rights, COVID-19 relief and more are currently being debated and voted on...
Kristin's picture
Jan. 2021 COVID Relief Petition

Sign now to support Biden’s COVID plan!

January 19, 2021
“We not only have an economic imperative to act now, I believe we have a moral obligation. In this pandemic in America, we can not let people go hungry. We can not let people get evicted. We can not watch nurses, educators, and others lose their jobs, we so badly need them. We must act now and act...
Hanna's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A black and white photo of two horses nuzzling.]

The Art of Human Whispering

January 14, 2021
The ranch is my office where my horse, dog and other animal herds are my teachers and co-facilitators. They help me see myself as a human animal and shift how I take care of myself and how I show up in my relationships and work. As mammals of the human variety, we’ve been profoundly socialized out...
Beth Anstandig's picture
