Biden/Harris Move to Expand Health Coverage for DACA Recipients Will Make Our Country Healthier and Stronger
Lisa Lederer, 202/371-1996
“America’s moms applaud the Biden/Harris administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the rule released today that will improve health care access for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. Because of this new rule, 100,000 DACA recipients who are uninsured will soon have access to affordable health coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace. Everyone deserves access to quality health care, regardless of their income, their background or their country of origin. But for much too long, DACA recipients have struggled without access to the health coverage they need and their families need. This new regulation is a meaningful step forward that will boost public health and racial equity in our country.
“Moms know that immigrants make our communities and economy stronger. DACA recipients are major contributors to our country’s health care sector, and it is essential that they have access to the health care system that so many of them strengthen. We need Congress to pass permanent protections for DACA recipients, and we will continue to work to ensure every family can access comprehensive, quality health coverage. Today’s action from the Biden administration is critical, much-needed progress that will make our country healthier and stronger.”