News release
Moms, Kids to Host Dance Party in Support of Early Learning in California
May 30, 2017
Lisa Lederer, 202-371-1996
This Thursday, parents and children will practice their best dance moves at a family-friendly dance party at the California State Capitol. The event – organized by MomsRising, First 5 Sacramento, Children Now, and Common Sense Kids Action – aims to urge legislators to prioritize funding for kids in the 2017-2018 state budget.
WHAT: Dance party in support of early learning, including affordable child care and preschool, in California
WHO: Moms, dads, children and advocates for early learning
WHEN: Thursday, June 1, 2017, 9:00-11:00am (speaking portion from 9:20-9:50am)
WHERE: California State Capitol, South Steps (Intersection of N St. and 11th St., Sacramento, CA)
The party will feature a performance by Sacramento-based children’s band The Hoots and comments from State Senator Richard Pan and Assemblyman Kevin McCarty in support of early learning programs. Participants will dance to show their support for early learning including access to high-quality, affordable child care in the hopes that Governor Brown and California state legislators will prioritize family-friendly programs in next year’s budget.
MEDIA NOTE: MomsRising executive vice president Donna Norton, Campaign Director Donna Huffman Cullinan and representatives from First 5 Sacramento, Children Now and Common Sense Kids Action will be available for interviews.