News release to Deliver Compass-Grams to State Legislators
June 11, 2008
Lisa Lederer, 202-371-1996, the online grassroots organization for moms and everyone who has a mom, will deliver Compass-Grams (compasses with messages attached to them) to encourage California legislators to “get back on track” and ensure that all children in the state receive health care coverage:
11 AM, Monday, June 16
North side of the State Capitol (on L Street)
The Compass-Grams include messages from California residents about the importance of providing all kids in California with health care coverage and urging legislators to provide more, not less support to California's families in these tough economic times. Among them:
Yes, there is a big budget deficit. But providing all California kids with health insurance is going to SAVE money in the long run by providing cheaper preventive care instead of costly emergency room visits. Do the right thing, be brave and get back on course!
Find your way to providing healthcare for all children! Without Medi-Cal, my child would not have healthcare!!
As a public school teacher, my students will not be able to learn properly without being healthy. Please get back on track and help families in need with appropriate healthcare.
Right now, approximately 763,000 children in California have no health care coverage. A study of nine local Children's Health Initiatives (CHI) in California, conducted by the Center for Community Health Services at the University of Southern California, found that providing children health insurance reduced hospitalizations in the CHI counties by 25 percent and saved up to $7.35 million annually in preventable hospitalizations. If all low-income children had health insurance, the state could save $24.3 million per year in preventable hospitalizations. spokespeople Ashley Boyd and Donna Norton will be at the State Capitol to offer comment on the action.