Our Country Won’t Have a Stable Workforce or a Successful Economy Unless We Adopt Paid Family and Medical Leave and Invest More in Child Care
Lisa Lederer, 202/371-1996
“We learned today that in December, 4.3 million people in this country quit their jobs. This follows a record 4.4 million people leaving their jobs in November. Those ‘quits’ often represent people being pushed out of their jobs. They are a stark reminder that our failure to adopt paid leave and invest in child care is destabilizing businesses, constraining our economy, and causing families to struggle to meet their most basic needs and save for the future.
The last two years have demonstrated over and over again that a country in which the vast majority of working people have no access to paid leave or to reliable, affordable child care is a country at risk.
"Moms and others are being pushed out of their jobs because they cannot go to work when they get sick or need to care for a child or other loved one who is ill, or when their child’s school or child care program has closed. We are being pushed out of our jobs because the U.S. Senate has failed us by not putting in place the kind of care infrastructure every society needs. And letting the expanded Child Tax Credit expire in the midst of this pandemic is truly heartless.
“America’s moms know that we need a care infrastructure during the pandemic, and after it ends. We are sending that message to the U.S. Senate today, and will do so every day until the Build Back Better Act becomes law.”