Speedy Passage of WIC Act, Which Will Support Healthier Babies, Kids and Moms, Should Be a High Priority for Senate Leaders
Lisa Lederer, 202-371-1996
“We applaud U.S. Senators Robert Casey (D-Penn.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) for introducing the Wise Investment in our Children (WIC) Act today. This essential, bi-partisan bill would expand crucial nutritional support for vulnerable mothers and young children, improving birth outcomes, boosting maternal health, and strengthening the next generation. Its passage is a high priority for America’s moms and it should be a high priority for every U.S. Senator.”
--Statement of Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, executive director and CEO, MomsRising
“When families can’t access the nutrition they need, there is greater risk of infant and maternal mortality and low birthweight babies, as well as childhood obesity. The WIC Act would improve maternal and child health by expanding eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children and helping struggling mothers access breastfeeding support, health screenings, and nutritious food for longer periods of time and when they need it most. It would help address the devastating maternal health crisis our country faces today.
“Allowing states to certify infants for the Supplemental Nutrition Program for two years instead of just one, extending eligibility for breastfeeding and postpartum mothers to two years, and extending WIC eligibility through age six would close gaps in nutrition assistance that harm young children today. It also would give new moms and kids more time to establish healthy eating and feeding habits, which provides benefits that continue throughout childhood and into adulthood.
"This bill would be a win for babies, young children and moms -- and for our country’s health. Supporting children in their first years of life is one of the wisest investments we can make. Senators should keep that in mind as they consider this bill, as well as Child Nutrition Reauthorization, which will provide another opportunity to strengthen this program and help families at a critical time in their lives.”
--Statement of Elyssa Koidin Schmier, senior campaign director, National Early Learning and Budget, MomsRising