Tax Scam 2.0 Bill House of Representatives Passed Today is ‘Grossly Irresponsible and Reflects Priorities That Are Utterly Skewed,’ Moms Leader Charges
Lisa Lederer, 202-371-1996
Statement from Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, executive director and CEO of MomsRising, a national online and on-the-ground organization of more than 1 million mothers and their families, on the tax plan the House of Representatives passed today:
“There seems to be no limit to the tax breaks Republicans in Congress want to give to the wealthiest one percent, and the devastating cuts they are willing to make to programs working families need to pay for them.
“The bill the House of Representatives passed today is grossly irresponsible and reflects priorities that are utterly skewed. It would cost $2.8 trillion over the next decade and would be paid for by cuts to vitally important health, education, housing, food and nutrition programs that boost families and communities.
“That it follows the $1.9 trillion tax cut Congress passed late last year adds insult to injury. This bill would rig the economy and exacerbate income inequality even further. No one, except maybe the GOP’s wealthy campaign donors, asked for this second tax scam. In fact, a recent Republican poll showed that the vast majority of voters believe the GOP’s tax plans are a giveaway to the one percent and to Wall Street at the expense of working families. Only 30 percent of women approve of the tax plan Congress passed last December because they recognize that this type of tax policy is harmful to our families and our economy.
“This frenzy to give tax breaks to mega-corporations and the ultra-wealthy is outrageously irresponsible. Rather than spending trillions of dollars more to give a tax cut to the super wealthy and increase our national debt, we should be making investments in programs that strengthen job creation and training and boost working families' health, nutrition, and education. We should also strengthen working family tax credits so our families can better contribute to our national economy.
“We urge the Senate to refuse to even consider this grossly irresponsible bill. It deserves to be rejected out of hand.”