News release
Triangle Families to Hold “Stroller Brigade” for Stronger Regulation of Toxic Chemicals
November 9, 2011
Lisa Lederer, 202-371-1996
Parents, kids to ask Senators Hagan and Burr to support chemicals reform
RALEIGH, NC - North Carolina parents and their kids will don superhero capes Thursday in support of safer chemicals in consumer products. Families will be gathering for a Stroller Brigade event to urge U.S. Senators Kay Hagan and Richard Burr to support the Safe Chemicals Act of 2011, a bill that would reform the way toxic chemicals are regulated in the U.S. The event is sponsored by North Carolina MomsRising ( and Toxic Free North Carolina (
What: Stroller Brigade for Safer Chemicals
When: Thursday, Nov. 10 at 10 a.m.
Where: Moore Square Park, 200 S. Blount St, Raleigh, NC
Details: Parents and kids will gather at Moore Square to ask Senators Hagan and Burr to be their “superheroes” by standing up for toxic chemicals reform. Participants will get into their super hero capes and parade to Senator Hagan’s office to hand-deliver petitions, letters and an art petition made by the children.
Families and advocates will be available for interviews.
The Stroller Brigade is part of a National Day of Action convened by the national Safer Chemicals Healthy Families coalition to call for reform of U.S. toxic chemicals policy. A growing body of scientific evidence supports the pervasive presence of toxic chemicals in everyday consumer products. Toxic chemicals linked to developmental disabilities, asthma, reproductive harm and cancer have been found in a range of consumer products, including products intended for use by pregnant women and infants.