STATEMENT OF KRISTIN ROWE-FINKBEINER, CEO and Executive Director, MomsRising, On the U.S. Senate Votes on the Paycheck Fairness Act
September 10, 2014
Lisa Lederer, 202-371-1996
MomsRising Praises U.S. Senate for Acknowledging Modern Economic Realities, Moving Forward with Paycheck Fairness Act
“As an organization that represents more than a million women and mothers who regularly experience the negative effects of wage discrimination, we at MomsRising are very encouraged by the U.S. Senate today, which for the first time since the bill was introduced, voted to move forward the Paycheck Fairness Act to a full Senate debate by a historic vote of 73-25. Now the Senate has a chance to take the next step and do the right thing: Move the bill forward to a final up-or-down vote for passage.
“The Paycheck Fairness Act would benefit our national economy and our families. In today’s world, working moms are the primary breadwinners in half of all American families. Despite that, women earn 77 cents to a man's dollar. And this disparity is even greater for moms, single moms and women of color. Being a woman or a mom shouldn’t carry a wage penalty. It’s long past time that the wrong-headed and antiquated practice of paying women less than men be put to rest. The Paycheck Fairness Act is an important step in that direction.
“The momentum behind this legislation is a testament to the power of moms when we raise our voices in support of policies that help our families. Moms are powerful. Our letters, messages, stories, calls, testimony, and petitions urging fair pay are being heard--and millions of us across the country are urging the full Senate to show their commitment to equal pay and support this common-sense bill that addresses the real economic needs of Americans today.”