Moms Leader Calls President Trump’s Anti-Semitic Comments 'Ugly, Divisive, and Deeply Offensive'
Lisa Lederer, 202-371-1996
“Questioning the loyalty of Jewish Americans based on how they choose to vote is ugly, divisive, and deeply offensive to a community that, for generations, has been victimized by baseless, unfair, dangerous anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Yesterday’s comments were yet another instance of President Trump disgracing the office he holds and letting the nation down. His divisive rhetoric – which was evident after neo-Nazis and white supremacists marched in Charlottesville, during the campaign when he refused to fully condemn David Duke, and each time he embraces nationalism and bigotry – is destructive and unforgivable and it weakens our country.
“Accusations that the Jewish community is ‘disloyal,’ as Trump said, are untrue, but these types of accusations have been much too common in our political conversations of late. That must end. That type of rhetoric has no part in a democratic society and serves only to divide us and create scapegoats.
We need our elected leaders to come together in civil dialogue, not use dog whistles and hurtful phrases loaded with historical baggage.
“Americans recoil each time President Trump brings up race, religion, or immigration. From remarks that are anti-Semitic and/or racist, to policies like the Muslim ban, to cruel actions like separating asylum-seeking children from their moms, Trump reminds us time and again that his values are not our values and that he simply does not understand what makes our country strong and resilient.
“America’s moms reject Trump’s attempts to divide us by religion, race, nationality, country of origin, class, or in any other way. We can do better than that, and our values will prevail.”