Moms Leader Praises Biden/Harris Actions to Advance Fair Pay – But Says Congress Must Act as Well
Lisa Lederer, 202/371-1996
“The White House took important steps today to make women’s paychecks equitable and improve economic security for families by taking a series of actions that will advance pay equity in the federal and federal contractor workforces. We especially applaud the move to ban the use of prior salary history in hiring and pay-setting process for federal workers, and the administration’s ongoing work to stop discrimination against caregivers and strengthen pay equity audits by federal contractors. Today, on Equal Pay Day, which marks how far into 2022 women in the United States had to work to match the wages paid to men in 2021, we renew our call to Congress to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act; the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act; a $15 federal minimum wage; and to create the kind of robust care infrastructure including paid leave and quality, affordable child care that every family and every economy needs. In our country today, women are paid just 83 cents for every dollar paid to white men, moms are paid just 75 cents for every dollar paid to white dads, and the disparities for women and moms of color are even worse. The time for meaningful progress is now.”