The Choice Facing U.S. Senators: Protect Our Health or Endanger It by Confirming RFK
Lisa Lederer, 202/371-1996
“There are dozens of rock-solid reasons to refuse to confirm Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK) as Secretary of Health and Human Services, and only one reason to confirm him: Because groveling to President Trump matters more to you than the health and wellbeing of your constituents.
“Nothing is more important to America’s moms than a health care system that protects our children and families by providing information we can trust, care we can count on, medications we can afford, and coverage that meets all our needs. RFK is completely and utterly incapable of delivering that, as he has demonstrated throughout his career and again at his confirmation hearing.
“RFK is unqualified and untrustworthy – a fringe conspiracy theorist whose shameful actions have resulted in vast, devastating harm. He is ill-equipped to respond to public health emergencies or to lead vitally important health agencies such as Medicare, Medicaid, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and others. He has no medical or scientific degree, no significant executive experience, and no understanding of what these agencies do or how they work. And he’s made a career out of trafficking in dangerous misinformation, targeting the natural worries of parents about their children’s health in order to line his own pockets.
“Confirming RFK would put our health and our lives in jeopardy. Every U.S. Senator should refuse to confirm him.”