Trump Order Denying Representation and Support to Unaccompanied Migrant Children ‘Cruel and Unethical,’ Moms Leader Says
Lisa Lederer, 202/371-1996
“It’s hard to imagine anyone more vulnerable than a migrant child, alone, without parents, who’s in the United States to escape gangs, sexual or domestic violence, trafficking, abject poverty, or other horrors. Denying legal representation and orientation services to those children as they try to navigate the immigration court system is cruel and unethical and will leave them at grave and unnecessary risk for trafficking and other forms of exploitation.
“For decades, lawmakers and administrations of both parties have acknowledged the vital role legal service programs play in ensuring fair representation for vulnerable children in government custody. The Trump administration's Stop Work Order to nonprofit organizations that provide free legal counsel and representation to children will force many to contend with complex, chaotic immigration courts on their own, which will obviously be impossible for most, including those who are infants or toddlers. This Order puts the safety, health, lives and futures of children in government custody at risk.
“America’s moms want all asylum-seekers and immigrants to be treated with dignity, compassion, and respect. As caring people, we know that every child, regardless of where they were born, deserves to live in peace and to be free from danger. This shameful Stop Work Order makes that impossible. It should be rescinded now.”
NOTE: MomsRising has leaders available to discuss the Stop Work Order in English or Spanish.