If you’re looking for ways to have fun with the kids and keep them busy this summer there’s no better way than cooking with them. Not only will you get to spend time with them, you’ll also be giving them vital life skills.
It doesn’t matter how old they are, there are always ways for them to get involved. Here are a few of my top tips:
· Start with simple dishes, especially if you have younger kids. A salad is a great place to start; anyone can tear up herbs or lettuce leaves and chances are if they’ve prepared it they’ll eat it.
· If your kids are older get them chopping, stirring, reading out the recipe instructions or measuring out ingredients.
· Let them touch and taste the ingredients where appropriate (of course I’m not talking about raw meat, eggs or anything else that’s going to make them sick!).
· Be prepared to make a big old mess in the kitchen and see that as part of the fun. Just make sure everyone pitches in and helps you clean up at the end because that’s all part of it.
· Praise your kitchen helpers (even if the recipe doesn’t quite go according to plan) and let them have the first taste of whatever it is you’ve cooked together.
· Involve your kids in mealtimes and ask them what they’d like to try making next time.
· Explain how important hygiene is and make sure they wash their hands before anything kicks off.
· As a parent I know this goes without saying, but keep an eye on your kids in the kitchen. Don’t assume they know when something is ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’, tell them.
· Enjoy yourself! If you’re having fun, your kids will too.
I’d love to see how you get on so please post pictures of your family and their creations on the Food Revolution community page on Facebook. (Link to: http://www.facebook.com/FoodRevolutionCommunity) There might even be a prize in it for you!
Good luck
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