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Georgia Mom Power UP!

November 21, 2023
I am a MomsRising volunteer Beacon community leader in Georgia. Three other Georgia Beacon volunteers and I recently organized an in person MomsRising Meet-up in Atlanta. The four of us invited our friends and family to join the gathering, and we ended up having about 50 people there ranging in age...
Pamela Grisham's picture
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For these women, motherhood opened the door to new opportunities

November 17, 2023
Thanksgiving is upon us. This year, I’m grateful for family, friends, and my fellow MomsRising Hub Leaders. I had the pleasure to speak to some of them who, after becoming mothers, changed their work lives to spend more time with their children, to be available for the countless doctors...
To-wen Tseng's picture
asamblea publica diciembre 9

Nuestras historias, nuestro poder: una asamblea pública legislativa en el estado de Washington el 9 de diciembre

November 15, 2023
¿Puedes participar en una divertida y poderosa asamblea pública GRATUITA el sábado 9 de diciembre de 11am a 12:30pm? ¡Es hora de unirnos antes de la próxima sesión legislativa del estado de Washington y eso significa asegurar que nuestras historias sean escuchadas! ¡Escucharemos a líderes de...
Linda López-Stone's picture

I Know the System & Still Failed at Times

November 9, 2023
When I was a kid, whenever I ever asked my mother a question, her answer always started with “the Mother’s Handbook says…” Then she would make some ridiculous answer up, and yet somehow I still believed her every time. So, when I became a mom I was quite disappointed to find out there was no “...
Kristen Sheppard's picture
photo of white teacup filled with ghost illustration in foam

Treat Yourself to Sweet October MOMentum

November 2, 2023
You brewed a batch of bewitchingly strong October MOMentum, friends!
Kerri Karvetski's picture

I Am A Mom Rising With A Challenge

October 10, 2023
Eleven years ago, my youngest child, {Z} came rushing into this world like nothing I had ever seen. I wasn’t shocked. I had a feeling she would grace us early. I knew, a mother always knows. I was a high-risk pregnancy, with both of my girls. Unfortunately, signs were missed by my OB and their...
Melissa Cote's picture
MomsRising Pittsburgh fellows gather for self-care

Book Bans BUSTED !!! Your September MOMentum

October 2, 2023
Your contributions this month include busting politically motivated book bans; shoring up support for affordable childcare, education, and nutrition; and demanding that our elected officials create budgets and policies that help, not harm, America’s families and economy.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
MomsRising Pittsburgh fellows gather for self-care

September Member Recap: Dedicated Moms at the Heart of Community Change

September 28, 2023
Their mission was clear: to amplify the voices of moms and families, driving positive change in their communities and beyond.
Kerri Karvetski's picture
woman giving peace signs

What a Dazzling Display of August MOMentum!

September 6, 2023
Grab your sunglasses because your August MOMentum was brilliant!
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Freedom's Your July MOMentum

July 31, 2023
Big thanks to YOUR support, we cheered this month as the recently passed Pregnant Workers' Fairness Act went into effect. This momentous national legislation helps ensure pregnant people can support their families without a sacrifice of health and wellbeing.
Selina Maldonado's picture
