On Friday, I represented MomsRising at a meeting with Leader Nancy Pelosi and Representatives Bobby Scott and Frank Pallone to discuss the defense of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) from being repealed. In attendance were also 50+ organizations that are working tirelessly to protect the healthcare of our families.
Many of the organizations gave updates on the work they are doing. After an hour, it was finally my turn to speak. When I said I was from MomsRising, you should have heard the exuberant response! Leader Pelosi shouted “I love MomsRising!” and there was applause from other activists (led by Leader Pelosi!). Members of Congress praised our work and love that moms and dads from around the country are speaking out. I gave each of the members of Congress a copy of our healthcare storybook (which will also be delivered to every member of the Senate and House next week). Representative Pallone was thrilled to see that there was a story from his district in New Jersey and talked about what a great story it is.
Your stories are being read. We, as MomsRising members, are powerful! Our voices and stories make a huge difference—I could see that those elected officials this your personal stories and our voices are incredibly important.
THANK YOU for making a difference and taking action with us to protect the healthcare of millions of families! It is so very important.
We still need you to speak out! It’s so important that Congress know that moms are paying attention and that we care deeply about quality, affordable healthcare. Next week the Senate will start debating and voting on the repeal of the ACA. Can you make a call to your Senators now and tell them to protect quality, affordable healthcare for all people in our country? Use our hotline and we’ll walk you through the process: 1-888-523-8974
Together, we are a powerful force!
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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