Breaking Through: Rest to Rise. Guaranteed Basic Income. WIC and Summer Meals for Kids. IVF and Birth Control Under Attack
On the radio show this week, we cover the Fellowship for Liberated Futures to support the healing, wellness, and wellbeing of Black women and femmes who are on the frontlines leading justice-focused work across the social sector – and dive into the importance of rest to rise (and also share some tips too!); next up we cover how guaranteed basic income lifts families and the economy alike; after that we cover the terrific new changes in WIC, how people can access WIC, and also touch on the expanded summer nutrition programs for kids; then, last we cover how Republicans are attacking access to birth control and IVF – and how we can fight for our rights together.
*Special guest include: Chera Reid, Co-Host & Co-visionary @ Fellowship for Liberated Futures, @liberatedfuture; Aisha Nyandoro, Springboard To Opportunities, @SpringboardToOp; Stacy Dean, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, @USDANutrition; Elyssa Schmier, MomsRising, @MomsRising.
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