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“When Women Succeed, America Succeeds.” This was the chant heard in the room during a special program by Congresswoman Judy Chu’s staff on Monday, March 10 at California State University, Los Angeles. Speakers highlighted an economic agenda for women and families, and encouraged audience members to...
Connie Ho's picture
One of the best places to be in my state on any given day is in the classroom of a high quality pre-k program. There you will hear laughter and intriguing conversation. There you will see smiles and brows furrowed in curiosity. There you will reassured and valued for your unique gifts. There you...
Mary E. Mannix's picture
I’m a MomsRising member from Fort Worth, Texas. I recently graduated with a PhD in History and teach a full load of courses as an adjunct professor. I love my job, but being an adjunct faculty member also means that I don’t get health coverage from my employer. Not having health coverage isn’t an...
Jensen Branscombe's picture
I am a Hmong-American woman, an entrepreneur and a medical interpreter. I’m a single mom of six children, ages 12 through 25. For the past eight years, my children and I were uninsured because we could not afford health insurance. Living in the one of the richest countries in the world without...
Maly Xiong's picture
It is undisputed that the early days of open enrollment on the website were problematic, but there were a ‘fortunate few’ who made it through, and I was one of them. I’d been waiting for October 1st, 2013, like a kid at Christmas. After a few attempts, I was enrolled for the first...
Pamela John's picture
The first MAKERS CONFERENCE was held in February, including a celebration of the life and work of Gloria Steinem. In honor of her eightieth birthday, it featured a video with touching and funny statements from Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Katie Couric, and others about Steinem's...
Nanette Fondas's picture
My mom called a few weeks ago with an announcement. “I’m putting one of your recipes into the family cookbook!” she exclaimed happily. “You pick the first one.” My fiancée and I are a few months away from our wedding. Somehow, more so than our recent sprawling combined family holidays or our...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
With the abundance of online recipes and TV cooking shows, you would think we would all be whipping up meals like professional chefs by now. And it feels like our meals should not only be beautifully plated, but also nutritious since we have 24/7 access to the most recent health news—the newly...
Douglas A. Greenaway's picture
You've probably heard of BPA , the chemical that was in baby bottles, sippy cups, and water bottles. There's been lots of concern about this chemical as an endocrine disruptor-- it's ability to alter hormones, causing all sorts of health problems, such as obesity, cancer, heart disease, early...
Katy Farber's picture
I remember sitting with my mom at the kitchen table learning how to balance a budget for a family. Those memories seem so distant! Now as an adult, I wonder how I'll ever make ends meet, now that child care costs more than college tuition in most states. [1] MomsRising has been lifting the voices...
Lauren Hipp's picture
