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Childcare & Early Education

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A mom pushing a shopping cart up a steep slope toward a man standing on a stack of money

*ACTION FOR APRIL RECESS: Deliver stories to your U.S. Representative in-district

March 20, 2025
This is an all-hands-on-deck moment!!! The headlines are bleak and members of Congress need to hear from us again and again. (Thank you in advance!!) We’ve all been speaking out by the thousands because we know that the long-term impact of the budget cuts being proposed (including potentially...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Children with Learning Disabilities are Real. Trump’s Education Plans are Hurting Them.

March 18, 2025
Last week, the Trump administration is firing 50% of the Department of Education staff. With the layoffs, Title I K-12 schools and students with disabilities will take the most damage.
To-wen Tseng's picture

Breaking Through: Medicaid. Maternal Health. How Trump’s Policies Are Hurting All of Us, Including His Voters

March 17, 2025
On the radio show this week we discuss the single largest program for maternity care in the United States, Medicaid, and why we’re fighting to protect it. Next, we dive into the many ways the Trump administration’s “cost-cutting” measures will actually end up costing all of our families and our...
MomsRising's picture

Breaking Through: Attacks on Public Schools, Health Care, Immigrants, Child Care & How Moms Are Fighting Back!

March 10, 2025
On the radio show this week we hear from teachers and parents about how they are fighting to protect the Department of Education and our students from Trump’s threats, and how you can join the fight! Next, we discuss why Trump’s cruel immigration policies are compounding the child care crisis by...
MomsRising's picture
Our Stories
MaryBeth poses with Leader Jeffries on the Capitol steps

Our Stories: Mary Beth Cochran Speaks on the Hill

March 4, 2025
Last week, our member Mary Beth Cochran from Canton, NC spoke at a press conference with Leader Jefferies and the full Democrat Caucus on the steps of the Capitol in Washington, DC about the importance of Medicaid, SNAP, and Head Start for her family. Here is her story: Mary Beth 2.jpeg I’m Mary...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Pide al Congreso que de prioridad a las familias antes que a los multimillonarios

February 25, 2025
Tenemos noticias y no son buenas . La semana pasada quedaron muy claros los planes de los republicanos de la extrema derecha de la Cámara de Representantes con la publicación de su resolución presupuestaria: están tratando de aprobar una ley que reduciría masivamente los impuestos ($4.5 TRILLONES)...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Send a Note to NY Gov. Hochul: Child Care is Important for NY Families!

February 20, 2025
Hey New York parents! Right now, NY legislators and the Governor are looking at their budget priorities for this year. We want to make sure that Gov. Hochul understands that investing in child care is ESSENTIAL to ensure families can stay in New York, our children thrive emotionally and...
Diana Limongi's picture

Breaking Through: Executive Orders. Funding Freezes. Health Care. Child Care. Justice Reform, & How to Raise Your Voice.

February 3, 2025
On the radio show this week we dive into the confusion, harm, and chaos caused by Donald Trump's ridiculous Executive Orders and nominees, from a funding freeze that shut down Medicaid portals in all 50 states to the nomination of an unqualified, unfit, and utterly confused cabinet nominee in RFK...
MomsRising's picture

Florida 2024 - 2025 Delegation Meetings

December 2, 2024
Wish you could tell your state representatives what is important to your family without having to go to Tallahassee? Have you heard of delegation meetings yet? Well I hadn’t and I went to my first delegation meeting last year and it was AMAZING. Here is the download. Legislative delegation meetings...
Nina Perez's picture

Presentando : Guía 2024 de MomsRising para votar por el cuidado Infantil de MomsRising y kit de herramientas de acción

October 30, 2024
En Inglés Guía 2024 Para Votar Por el Cuidado Infantil Kit de Herramientas de Acción No es un secreto que el cuidado infantil sigue siendo inasequible e inaccesible para la mayoría de las familias mientras los proveedores de cuidado infantil ganan salarios que están debajo del nivel de pobreza. ¡...
Nadia's picture
