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Childcare & Early Education

asamblea publica diciembre 9

Nuestras historias, nuestro poder: una asamblea pública legislativa en el estado de Washington el 9 de diciembre

November 15, 2023
¿Puedes participar en una divertida y poderosa asamblea pública GRATUITA el sábado 9 de diciembre de 11am a 12:30pm? ¡Es hora de unirnos antes de la próxima sesión legislativa del estado de Washington y eso significa asegurar que nuestras historias sean escuchadas! ¡Escucharemos a líderes de...
linda's picture

Neoyorquinos: Te invitamos a la Hora Poderosa del Cuidado Infantil

November 6, 2023
Mamás, papás, tutores, maestras de educación temprana en Nueva York: ¡Queremos conversar con ustedes! Acompaña a MomsRising/MamásConPoder y la Campaña de Cuidado Infantil Empire State (Empire State Campaign for Child Care) para una conversación sobre el acceso al cuidado infantil en el estado de...
Diana Limongi's picture

QUICK SIGNATURE: Congress must save child care!

November 3, 2023
Did you hear? MomsRising moms, partners, champions and YOU were heard by the White House, with President Biden sending a request just last week to Congress to pass the $16B in supplemental funding needed to save child care! You did that, we did that! Now let’s keep up the momentum by urging...
Nadia's picture
Image of a hand placing a ballot in a ballot box, Text: School Board Election Matter

Extremists are on the ballot in Washington, we need you to get out the vote!

October 26, 2023
Ballots have dropped – get your ballpoint pens ready to fill out those bubbles and let’s MOM the vote. Yes, we know, it is not a “big” election year. And so many people wonder: what is the point? Does my vote matter? And emphatically, the answer is YES . It perhaps matters the most! In fact, 99% of...
Lauren Hipp's picture
New York Child care image

New York Parents: Join us for a Parent Power Hour on Child Care!

October 24, 2023
Having two kids here, I know all too well the struggles that parents face when it comes to child care in New York. All over the state, parents struggle to find child care that is affordable and available in their communities. In fact, according to the Center for American Progress, 64 percent of New...
Diana Limongi's picture
Recap for MomsRising's Mom Power Bootcamp 2023!

MomsRising's Mom Power Bootcamp 2023!

October 20, 2023
MomsRising invited 35 of our powerful members from 20 states across the country to join us last week for our Mom Power Bootcamp 2023! We brought together moms, advocates, Fellows, Fellow Alumni, and other engaged volunteers who are interested in leadership development and advocacy opportunities for issues that impact families with young children like early childhood.
Hanna's picture

Families Need Congress to Protect the Head Start Program from Devastating Funding Cuts

October 19, 2023
The importance of the Head Start program cannot be overstated. This program has arguably been the most critical social and educational public investment in children, families, and communities the United States has ever undertaken. Head Start launched in 1965 as a comprehensive child development program. Over the last 60 years, it has provided opportunity and care to more than 38 million children and their families.
Nadia's picture

Banned Books Week Day of Action

October 7, 2023
Last month, just before my son’s fifth birthday, I found myself crying some bittersweet but mostly happy tears after I checked the mailbox. Among the arrival of packages and cards, and preparations for a celebration, he received another very special gift marking a momentous occasion: he completed his collection of books from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library (DPIL).
Remy Burrello's picture
MomsRising Pittsburgh fellows gather for self-care

September Member Recap: Dedicated Moms at the Heart of Community Change

September 28, 2023
Their mission was clear: to amplify the voices of moms and families, driving positive change in their communities and beyond.
Kerri Karvetski's picture

Breaking Through: #Shutdown #MediaMatters #ChildCare #Momnibus

September 26, 2023
On the radio show this week, we cover why the national budget is also a moral document that shows the deep priorities of our country – and where kids stand in that budget; we uncover the latest with Fox News, dive into double standards and false equivalencies in the media, and learn tactics to get real news; we hear about the #ChildCareCliff why it impacts businesses too and hear how we can help our nation avoid it; and we close the show discussing tactics to get every member of Congress on the bus… the Momnibus!
MomsRising's picture
