Nina is an Early Childhood National Campaign Director and Florida Director at MomsRising/MamásConPoder where she has been organizing moms and families across the nation for over a decade on family economic security issues. Nina has been interviewed in numerous local and national news outlets, including PBS NewsHour, the New York Times, and The Guardian. On child care policy, Nina has testified in front of Congress for the Ways and Means Committee as an expert in her field. Nina's career has focused on ending the oppression and exploitation of women and girls. She was previously a Program Manager at Community Family Life Services supporting direct services and leadership with low-income communities in Washington, DC. Nina was also a founding member and Program Coordinator for the Young Women Leaders Program at the University of Central Florida. and lives in Jax, FL with her loving partner, inquisitive child, spunky cats, and books.
Blog Post List

March 25, 2025
Welcome to the first Moms Next Door Dispatch! To help build our power together, to be there for one another, and to, well, help lift our nation up and out of this mess, we’ve started a new national pilot program to rise up together and connect locally: Moms Next Door . Sign up now to get these monthly dispatches in your inbox and learn new ways to connect! What’s the Moms Next Door Dispatch? Each month, you’ll receive the Moms Next Door Dispatch (Scroll down!) – a monthly toolkit that will arrive in your inbox to provide you and your community with ideas on how to self-organize and take...
Education Fund

March 7, 2025
Moms, dads, aunties, grandparents, and anyone who cares about kids. We can’t stay on the sidelines while kids’ rights are in danger. Florida is one of 17 states that has signed onto a federal lawsuit out of Texas that deems Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act “unconstitutional” due to “anti-woke” political games. The problem with that, aside from being a political attack, is that Section 504 provides critical protections for all Americans with disabilities ( including the over 3 million disabled people living in Florida) . **Click here to sign now to tell Florida Attorney General James...
December 2, 2024
Wish you could tell your state representatives what is important to your family without having to go to Tallahassee? Have you heard of delegation meetings yet? Well I hadn’t and I went to my first delegation meeting last year and it was AMAZING. Here is the download. Legislative delegation meetings are public meetings (as in anyone can sign up to speak and can attend!) happening in each region of Florida before the start of a new state legislative session. Who goes to these? Everyone who needs to hear directly from YOU! Florida Senators and Representatives from each local district attend...
Education Fund

November 14, 2024
Mamas and caregivers, we see you. We know that when things get hard, things get harder with caregiving. We often don’t get to stop and rest in the same ways. So take a DEEP BREATH and know we see you and are sending love your way. What we also know as moms and in being in community with so many of you, is that moms get sh*t done! So it was zero surprise to us following the election that we’ve been hearing from moms from every corner of this country asking how they can create networks of support in their local communities. We hear you and we got you! But before you check on the resources and...

February 17, 2024
The glow of Valentine's Day is still about, but it’s hard to feel the love when Florida Republicans' heartless efforts to roll back child labor protections that keep our kids safe from employer exploitation are moving faster than Cupid’s arrow right through the heart. **Tell the Florida Senate to have a freaking heart and to vote NO on rolling back child labor protections ( SB 1596). Yes, you read that right. Rolling BACK child labor laws meant to protect children’s health, workplace welfare, and education. And sadly it already passed the House. This bill might as well be called the “Help...

February 6, 2024
Durante el último año he estado hablando con padres y cuidadores de niños pequeños en todos los rincones de nuestro estado, ¿y sabes qué tenían en común todos? Que el programa preescolar voluntario (VPK) y el sistema de cuidado infantil en nuestro estado no funcionan para las familias. Esa es la mala noticia. La buena noticia es el nuevo proyecto de ley en la legislatura de Florida que podría ayudar a cambiar eso. **AGREGA TU NOMBRE para instar a tus legisladores de Florida a que apoyen el proyecto de ley HB 1197/SB 1288 del Programa Universal de Cuidado Infantil Temprano! ¿Por qué este...
Education Fund
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January 22, 2024
For the last year I’ve been talking to parents and caregivers of young kids in every corner of our state and you know what everyone had in common? That the VPK (Voluntary Preschool Program) and child care system in our state doesn’t work for families. That’s the bad news. The good news is the new bill in the Florida legislature that could help change that.
January 17, 2024
Jananury isn't barely over and we already have hit the ground running based on your feedback from last year! It’s 2024 and the New Year has me feeling hopeful about what we can accomplish in Florida this year. Not because fresh start affirmations and flying across the internet, but because MomsRising members have been WORKING in 2023 across the state to make sure our families have a brighter future in Florida. Now we need to hear from more moms, parents, and caregivers in Florida. If you live in Florida, tell MomsRising what our 2024 Florida New Year’s Resolutions should be in this very brief...
Education Fund

January 12, 2024
Durante 100 años, Mickey Mouse ha sido una imagen de la infancia, la inocencia y la risa. Pero ahora está en peligro de ser asociado con la eliminación de las protecciones contra el trabajo infantil... ¡AY! *Dile a Mickey que use su voz aguda pero poderosa para decirle a la Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (FRLA) que deje de abogar por la eliminación de las protecciones contra el trabajo infantil y retire públicamente el apoyo de la FRLA al proyecto de ley HB 49. Sí, leíste bien. Retroceder en las leyes laborales infantiles diseñadas para proteger la salud, el bienestar laboral y la...
Education Fund

January 12, 2024
For 100 years Mickey Mouse has been an image of childhood, innocence, and laughter. But now it's in danger of being associated with rolling back child labor protections...YIKES?! *Tell Mickey to use his squeaky, but mighty voice to tell the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association ( FRLA) to stop advocating for rolling back child labor protections and publicly remove FRLA’s support from HB 49. Yes, you read that right. Rolling BACK child labor laws meant to protect children’s health, workplace welfare, and education. Here’s the cheese: The Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (of...

September 7, 2023
Book bans and attempted book bans are happening in schools and libraries across America right now. It’s shocking AND we can stop it - but first we need to know how. And that’s why MomsRising is bringing in the experts! → Next week on Wednesday, September 13th at 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST, the Florida Freedom to Read Project, a mom-led grassroots organization on the frontlines of fighting Florida’s book bans, will be giving us the 411 on how to fight censorship efforts. Can you join this important #KeepMarching virtual call? It’s not just Florida and it’s not just conservative states: The...

July 27, 2023
I had the benefit of an amazing public education growing up in Florida, but thanks to far right extremists in my state and across the nation, my kid and others’ freedom to learn and read is at risk and something has to be done. Moms, parents, teachers, and community leaders across the country are defending children’s freedom to learn, to be themselves, and pursue their dreams no matter where they are from or what they look like, but they need more reinforcements from national leaders - STAT! ***Tell the U.S. Department of Education to keep up the good work – and that now’s the time for them...
Sign on!

June 15, 2023
So the new numbers are in and it’s not looking great. According to the annual Kids Count data released yesterday , Florida ranks 31st in child well-being and lack of high-quality, affordable child care is playing into that. I don’t know about you, but I’m not surprised. I am FEELING the child care struggle this summer. Just yesterday I had to pick my kiddo up during a work call because her summer care only goes until 1pm. I had to then drive her (while also trying to participate in a work call as my kid tried to excitedly tell me about water day at school) to other family care in the...
Education Fund

March 1, 2023
Children’s books and young adult books are being banned across Florida and together we can put a stop to it. New to the issue? Read the description below. If you are already looped in and ready to stop book bans, TAKE ACTION by clicking this link and skip to the links at the end for more actions . The “what in the what” on banned books in Florida: A series of censorship laws were passed in Florida in 2022 which has led to public school leaders pulling thousands of books from library shelves in schools and classrooms. In many places, books are being pulled and are awaiting ‘review’ as media...
Take Action

January 30, 2023
Our Florida public schools really need your help because right now state legislators in Tallahassee are trying to defund our schools! They’re so eager to defund the schools they’ve even made it their top legislative priority - and we have to act now to put a stop to it. → Click here to send a letter to your Florida State Representative urging them to STOP HB1 from stealing money from our public schools to fund private education. What’s happening? Republican leaders in the Florida State House have introduced HB1: An Act Relating to School Choice that will do anything but create more choices. [...

October 25, 2022
It’s the spooky season – and the scariest thing I’ve seen this year isn’t ghouls, zombies, or vampires. The bone chilling fright this year is that Congress keeps ghosting us on child care solutions . After exploring solutions the last few years to fix our fragile child care system, our elected leaders are now “new phone, who dis”-ing us and families aren’t feeling it as the child care crisis gets scarier everyday. *Tell Congress: Enough with the tricks. We’ve got their number and we’re here to tell them their work is not done and they need to take action now to fix our nation’s child care...
Education Fund

June 16, 2022
I’m so freaking mad today. Our family and families across the state with kids under the age of 5 are so close - SO CLOSE - to having vaccines for our kids. But thanks to Governor DeSantis, Florida families are going to have to wait even longer. Florida is the only state that did not meet the deadline to order the new, COVID-19 vaccines for children under the age of 5 to be shipped when approved, which is expected in days. You read that right. The ONLY state.

January 27, 2022
Do you occasionally fantasize about RAGE YELLING at the top of your lungs every new day that you need to parent in this pandemic amid child care closures, no paid family and medical leave, and stacking bills? Same friend. SAME.

January 18, 2022
On Jan. 6, 2022, Ms. Magazine published an opinion piece that I co-wrote with MomsRising partner, Women’s Economic Justice Director and The Century Foundation Senior Fellow Julie Kashen: The U.S. Is in Urgent Need of Childcare Solutions. Build Back Better Would Be a Game-Changer In the opinion, we had the honor of sharing child care stories from MomsRising, Family Forward Oregon , and Community Change families: Julie, a teacher scrambling for care for her toddler Arielle, a veterinarian straining by the financial burden of unpaid parental leave Jessica, a childcare worker who cannot afford...

January 12, 2022
Las supermamás, como tú, han sido una fuerza que ha impulsado cambios políticos positivos que tienen un gran impacto para nuestras familias. Queremos decirte un “¡gracias!” inmenso por romper barreras y hacerte presente para ayudar a cambiar el mundo. En pocas palabras, ¡eres lo MÁXIMO! Participar en activismo con los niños puede ser atemorizante, ¡pero no tiene que serlo! Estos son algunos consejos útiles para prepararte y sentirte cómoda al abogar por los asuntos que son importantes para ti. A: Snacks, snacks y snacks. Planifica con anticipación y empaca bien. ¡Prepárate! Lo que debes...
Education Fund
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