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As the daughter of two parents with limited English language proficiency, I am part of the dual-lingual generation (in my case Spanglish) that straddles the fine line between child, translator, and teacher to their parents. I hated this role when I was a child, often wishing that I could just be a...
Nina Perez's picture
My 5 year-old son and I have had two conversations about the police -- or “la policia,” as we call them – already this week. In the first, he declared to me that “all police are not bad.” That’s part of a larger and ongoing post-Trayvon talk we’ve been having this summer (more on that here ). Then...
Lisalyn R. Jacobs's picture
I knew from the beginning that I was a black girl and I was proud. I have my mother to thank for that. She taught me and my sister to be proud of being black. My parents filled our home with relics of black pride. Daddy loved listening to Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff, Momma preferred Billie Holiday...
Emma Akpan's picture
There could be a lot of reasons I see everything through a race lens. I have a biracial son, for instance, and I know I’m going to get questions about why a whole lot of folks who look like his mother seem to live differently than the folks who look like his father. I’m also a political scientist...
Julie Ajinkya's picture
Race/ethnicity has always created a dividing line in the United States, and it’s no different with the pay gap. Each year, AAUW’s The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap addresses this question, and, of course, the answer is that the pay gap affects all women. But it doesn’t affect all women...
Katie Benson's picture
Recently, my 12-year-old son and I entered the subway station at 96th Street and Broadway. On our way to the downtown platform, we saw a young teen boy being frisked and questioned by police. The young man was either light-skinned black or Latino, and he was dressed in the style fashionable for...
Carolyn Edgar's picture
We’re pleased to share this post from our colleagues at the National Partnership for Women and Families, shining a light on how we march on to end discrimination and fight for a more fair and free nation. ~MomsRising Ed. On August 28, 1963, hundreds of thousands of men and women came together in...
Debra Ness's picture
On August 29th, in honor and in continuation of the March on Washington 50 years ago, I will join friends, family, and my community on a march for good jobs . The march is organized by low wage fast food and retail workers, under the banner of 'fight for 15' who are demanding a living wage and jobs...
Charlie Rose's picture
We've come a long way since the Civil Rights March on Washington. It's commonplace nowadays for a family to adopt a child from another country. There's still much to be done regarding society fully embracing diversity, but teaching our children to be open-minded is a good start. -Maria Adcock,...
Julie Nelson's picture
The kids were sitting “crisscross apple sauce” and waiting for story time to begin. Almost a thousand people gathered in Durham, North Carolina to celebrate Dr. King’s birthday -- a sea of black, brown, and white faces looking expectantly at the stage. And when Ms. Virginia Williams stepped up to...
BethM's picture
