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It’s 7am. I say -- for the eleventh time -- “J., let’s put on your shoes.” At 7:05, I say again, “J., time to put on your shoes.” Next day? Same words, same scene. But, I swear, there’s no repeating necessary when it comes to Elmo. That little red Muppet caught my 17-month-old son’s attention in an...
Gigi Kellett's picture
Story by Alessandra Gaia Gorini Happy and healthy, this is how I feel and when I sit at my table to eat, I thank my family for teaching me simple behaviors to learn to love myself, starting in the kitchen! Since I was 16, I’ve been cooking. It makes me feel real and it gives me the feeling of being...
Jamie Oliver's picture
This blog post originally appeared in . Much like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, the falsely cloaked Working Families Flexibility Act (HR 1406) would hurt, not help, families. The Working Families Flexibility Act, a true misnomer, would in reality ensure workers have less time, less...
Linda Meric's picture
via The Broad Side Corporations have a very bad habit of telling moms how to be. Or better yet, co-opting some very common “mom” archetypes for their marketing pursuits. For decades, we were told “Choosy Moms Choose Jif.” More recently, “It Moms” were more likely to choose a particular fabric...
Kimberly Seals Allers's picture
Jennifer Martinez will not be celebrating this Mother's Day because her family remains torn apart. Here is Jennifer's story: Jennifer Martinez and family "A little over a year, my family was ripped apart when my husband of 16 years was suddenly taken away and forced to leave the country. My husband...
Donna De La Cruz's picture
Revolution Day 2013 Alexx Stuart Food Revolution Day, while of course created by the awesome Jamie, is a symbol for so much more than one person’s mission. It’s a symbol for all the efforts, the many movements, initiatives, grants, education programs, farmers’ markets and people making a difference...
Jamie Oliver's picture
A few weeks ago, Melissa Harris-Perry appeared in a "Lean Forward" promotional ad for MSNBC and said: We have never invested as much in public education as we should have because we've always had kind of a private notion of children: Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven't had...
Bruce Lesley's picture
This week, Martha Roby (R-AL) will introduce the same discredited comp time bill that leaders in her party have been pushing for years. Misleadingly titled “The Working Families Flexibility Act,” HR 1406 would permit private sector employers to offer compensation time in lieu of overtime pay to...
Carol Joyner's picture
Cross-posted from the Family Values @ Work Blog . Listen up, working moms and dads: Rep. Eric Cantor has a deal for you – more time to spend with your family! What’s not to like? Except for one hitch: You get to spend more time with your family only after you’ve been forced to spend more time at...
Ellen Bravo's picture
If you think only new parents and preschool teachers care about early education think again. A few weeks ago, a group of Washington state superintendents, principals, kindergarten teachers and parents called for bigger investments in preschool. You might think they are worried about getting enough...
Paul Nyhan's picture
