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First, thanks to Anne-Marie Slaughter for peeling the band-aid off an open wound of American womanhood. It’s our dirty little secret: balancing work and family is still impossible for elite American women because of the way we structure work, family, love, marriage, careers, masculinity, and...
Joan C. Williams's picture
Cross-posted from Population Action International Like many, I went to Rio full of expectations. I had been feeding off of the hype around Rio for months: “This UN conference will be a seminal moment in history!” “The outcomes from Rio +20 will set the agenda for a new development paradigm reaching...
Elisha Dunn-Georgiou's picture
In the year that has passed since Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law the New York Marriage Equality Act, thousands of same-sex couples have vowed to take each other "in sickness and in health." Yet because of discriminatory and inadequate federal laws that deny LGBT spouses the protections...
Jared Make's picture
by Judy Molland at Earlier this year, Care2′s Kristina Chew wrote about the widening gap between rich and poor students in schools across the U.S. over the past few decades and how, as a result, the gap in standardized test scores between affluent and low-income students has grown by 40...
care2's picture
Who doesn’t like parties? Especially a party with a purpose - yes, please! Women’s Voices for the Earth’s new Green Momma Parties are the latest DIY party that makes detoxing the home fun (yes, we said “fun”). With a room-by-room guide for eliminating harmful chemicals, do-it-yourself recipes with...
Cassidy Randall's picture
by Kristina Chew at Morgen Kann Warten — German for Tomorrow Can Wait — is a Kickstarter project about traveling with an autistic child in Europe. Scott and Monika Knight (who live in Berlin) describe their travels all over Europe — Thessaloniki in Greece, Nice and Paris in France, Dublin...
care2's picture
Knowledge, encouragement, and support. That's what I needed to make my first attempt at breastfeeding a success in the first bleary weeks with a newborn. For several years, new mothers who receive support through the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) program have been getting exactly this type of...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Yesterday, Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe tried to use the obscure Congressional Review Act (CRA) to get rid of the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) Rule . I am thrilled to report that his efforts came to naught. Because of tens of thousands of letters and phone calls from moms and families...
Gloria Pan's picture
This was a gathering of Goddesses. Shedding our shirts and revealing the places where we grew humans (and one was actively growing) felt so freeing, inspiring, and powerful it is hard to put it into words. Thankfully the smiles on our faces, the laughter to the point of tears, and the energetic joy radiating from each of us speaks for itself.
Michelle Noehren's picture
If it’s not broken, don’t fix it. California’s Healthy Families program is most definitely working. Each year, the Healthy Families Program provides approximately 875,000 children from low to moderate-income families the health coverage they need to stay healthy and succeed in school. Unfortunately...
Ashley Boyd's picture
