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Cross posted from the Young Women's Leadership Program Blog: Words of Wisdom from Worldly Young Women As I scrolled through my newsfeed on my Facebook page this week I came across a posting written by a friend who has two young children that read, “I make $4.26 a week after daycare. Oh, the joys of...
Michelle Noehren's picture
Can you meet on Wednesday, January 5 at the state capitol in Hartford (in the first floor rotunda) at 11am? Hope you can come! (And feel free to bring friends and kids too). Why? Because we need to make sure that every legislator in Hartford knows that paid sick days are a priority for Connecticut...
Ruth Martin's picture
We know how crazy the holidays are for moms and dads, so we wanted to make sure you heard Julie's story. Julie is a MomsRising member whose daughter Violet has a life threatening form of epilepsy and frequently needs to be hospitalized. New provisions in health reform have already made it possible...
Kristin's picture
This holiday season as we think of peace on earth and good will towards all, I'm thinking of how to translate this sentiment into a culture of good workplaces all year long. My New Year's resolution is to help spark a new workplace norm: "Everyone deserves a job that fits," and the corollary, "Any...
joan's picture
(For this article in English, go to .) Cuando Nadia, una madre soltera de Los Angeles, supo que cerca de 5 millones de niños calificaban para tener cobertura médica gratis o a bajo costo, se sintió sorprendida. “No entiendo...
Elisa Batista's picture
Although millions of workers nationwide are struggling with reduced benefits and rising health care costs, a recent piece in USA Today revealed those at the top continue to receive top-notch health perks. At one company, executives receive $10,000 per illness for expenses not covered under the...
Jodie Levin-Epstein's picture
Twenty-seven states support telework through legislation that encourages tax incentives, expansion of broadband coverage, or use by state employees. Illinois does not. On December 7, 2010, we held a summit in Chicago. Business, public sector, and government leaders gathered to discuss the role of...
Kyra Cavanaugh's picture
When Los Angeles single mother of two, "Nadia," learned that close to 5 million children actually qualified for free or heavily-reduced health insurance and didn’t have it, she was astounded. "I don’t understand that," she said. "It’s an easy program to understand. It really isn’t complicated at...
Elisa Batista's picture
The US House of Representatives just defeated S. 987 (The International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act), despite passing unanimously in the Senate. By failing to pass the Child Marriage bill, our country turns a blind eye to practices enslaving children into marriage. Here's the...
Homa Tavangar's picture
Progressives have always had mixed emotions about breastfeeding. We support a healthy diet and natural living, and breastfeeding is as natural as it gets. We also have a low tolerance for chemical additives, including those found in infant formula. On the other hand, breastfeeding has been used to...
Robert Drago's picture
