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On Wednesday night, President Obama addressed Congress, saying, "The time for bickering is over." That's certainly music to every mother's ears, regardless of political party. Between our kids home for the summer and those crazy town hall meetings, we're ready for some sanity. It's time for...
Donna's picture
When people think of breastfeeding difficulties, the things that probably come to mind are supply issues, bad latch, cracked nipples, constant feedings, and the like. Certainly, there are women who are afflicted by those difficulties and who cannot overcome them. But I believe the societal barriers to breastfeeding (propagated by the kyriarchy) have a much more significant impact on breastfeeding rates than the medical or technical issues.
Today, victims of foodborne illness, including mothers and their children, are dropping off lunch bags to Senate offices in Washington, DC and Senate offices in several communities throughout the country. These mock-up lunch bags detail the potential health hazards that may exist in common lunch...
The California State Assembly has until today to pass a bill, SB 797, that would ban the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) from baby products like bottles and formula cans. As the Los Angeles Times noted today , the formula and packaging industry have launched a ferocious campaign against this bill...
Elisa Batista's picture
A New Pediatrics to Heal Sick Children (and Keep Well Kids Healthy) If your baby were suffering from colic, would you treat him with artificially dyed and sweetened simethicone (the chemical in drugs such as Mylanta and Mylicon) or first try an emulsion of fennel seed oil? If your young daughter...
We are rising up all over the nation for stable and secure healthcare for our families! Over the last month, MomsRising members have met with Senators or Senate staff in Alaska, Delaware, Tennessee, Illinois, Virginia, Texas, Nevada, Missouri, Michigan, New York, Kansas, Utah, North Carolina,...
Donna's picture
Right now in America, working mothers are being discriminated against solely because they breastfeed their children. Last week the Ohio Supreme Court threw logic out the window when it ruled that a woman was rightfully fired for taking breaks at work to pump breast milk. Apparently it would have...
Senator Jeff Merkley's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog It's tempting to just screen out all the noise and hoopla about healthcare reform. The TV glows with dozens of "experts" nattering on and on. Newspapers are full of charts and graphs. One group yells, another group yells louder. It would be easy to shrug your...
Valerie Young's picture
This past spring, the companies that make and use the chemical bisphenol-A, BPA, convened a meeting in Washington, DC, to devise a reassuring media campaign, which they have just now launched. Young mothers aged 21-35, such as MomsRising members, are the target. The meeting minutes noted that their...
It took nearly two years, but FDA has finally published its study on lead in lipstick, and the findings are not reassuring. FDA found up to four times more lead in lipstick than previous reports. Even less reassuring is the fact that FDA spent two years studying the problem, only to discover that,...
