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Many of our members are shocked to find out that most health insurance policies sold on the individual market do not cover maternity care at all.[1] Take, for example, Rebecca from New Mexico, who just wrote us this note last week: "My husband lost his full-time job and benefits in January, so we...
Anita's picture
By Robin Reed, Online Outreach Manager, National Women's Law Center Last night, I went to a goodbye party for a friend who’s changing jobs. Amidst the nostalgic recollections and toasts to her future, we got to talking about some of the logistical problems that come with a change like this. Chiefly...
Thao Nguyen's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog Working Mother magazine has just hit the desk, and the cover trumpets the annual listing of 100 Best Companies for working mothers and other caregivers. The implicit message is that American business acknowledges the value of workers with caregiving...
Valerie Young's picture
We were delighted to see this editorial in the Stoneham Sun by Massachusetts legislator Jason Lewis. Today, nearly 1.4 million working people in Massachusetts aren't allowed to earn a single paid sick day -- and even folks with paid sick days are often not allowed to use them to take care of sick...
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog The National Women's Law Center report " Nowhere to Turn: How the Individual Health Insurance Market Fails Women " exposes the use of gender ratings and "pre-existing conditions" to make healthcare more costsly for women and deny them necessary services. The...
Valerie Young's picture
Full disclosure: I'm not a great baker. My kids think a Betty Crocker cake is fully homemade. However, it seems to me that healthcare reform is kind of like baking a cake. If you don't have the right ingredients, it will fall as flat as a pancake. Last week Senator Baucus released his proposal for...
Donna's picture
The products are advertised as “extra gentle” and “for sensitive skin,” yet new medical papers indicate that many children’s bath products contain a chemical preservative that can cause chronic skin problems that are often misdiagnosed as eczema or other diseases. Quaternium 15 - a chemical found...
New data show that employees who receive at least five paid days off per year for personal illness are healthier, and enjoy greater personal well-being. As our country looks at comprehensive health reform measures, we must consider policies that help employees stay healthy and engaged at work, even...
Last week marked the premiere of the new Healthy Stuff database, offering consumers the opportunity to check out the level of toxics in a variety of products. But consumers aren’t the only ones taking notice: Healthy Stuff has been featured in a number of media outlets, including USA Today, Alternet, Detroit Free Press, Yahoo Parenting, the Daily Green, and many more.
Claire Moshenberg's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog From the New York Times about Kim Clijsters winning the Women's Singles US Open Championship after having a baby 18 months ago: The Clijsters narrative is not just about an underdog’s comeback, but about the dreamy, irresistible illusion the 1970s wrought: the...
Valerie Young's picture
