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HAVE FUN, RAISE SOME MONEY, AND HELP SPREAD THE MOMSRISING MESSAGE * PICK A PLACE & TIME – Pick a time and a place where you’ve got a guaranteed crowd to entice with your goods. Options may include: a local parade route, a busy local park, a local fair, or even a busy street corner. Feel free...
Ashley Boyd's picture
There was an interesting discussion in the comments section on a post I wrote earlier this month on health care wondering how we can address the health care crisis we face in our country, especially when it comes our children.
PunditMom's picture
My heart sank when I saw this article on the front page of The Washington Post. "Michelle Obama's Career Time Out." Front page coverage presenting her as a high profile victim of the balancing/opt-out discussion.
PunditMom's picture
First off, I had a fabulously fun time this Monday appearing with Kristin on KALW radio in San Francisco. She's totally inspiring, spot-on with numbers and statistics, and well, just a pleasure to be on air with. In our blog format here, I feel like I should be waving down (hi Kristin!) to her on her entry, just below. I've been lightly following the debates over Feminine Mistake. Can't help but think that while the NY-based intelligentsia is debating what mothers should be doing, MomsRising was out in force in Washington State, putting on the pressure to pass paid family leave.
The Today Show segment I appeared on this past Saturday flew by in an instant, but I was proud that I did get to mention Preparing for the segment gave me a chance revisit everything I've been reading and thinking over the past few years. I wrote a blog post today to pull it all together. I want to give credit to all the brilliant women who have been writing about motherhood. We are all busy working it out for ourselves as we go along and now we are gathering into a movement here at MomsRising. I do think there is a significant generational shift, which is what I write about in my blog post Cracking the Privilege Code. It was interesting to come away feeling that the path we are carving out is more radical than I had realized.
Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday! This Mother's Day marks the first birthday of MomsRising. Celebrate by watching the Motherhood Manifesto on PBS this weekend (Find out when it's airing in your area at: ). As we celebrate our first birthday, we're also celebrating passing the 90,000 members mark--and that we are growing by 500 to 1,000 members per week lately. This growth is mostly happening through friends telling friends. So, THANK YOU for telling your friends about MomsRising and making us the strong organization we are today!
Kristin's picture
Our friends at Legal Momentum - a legal advocacy group working on women's issues - have just released a new book that celebrates women's achievements. It's called Women: A Celebration of Strength and believe it or not it’s a pop-up book (but it's not just for kids!).
Today's the first time we've included MomsRising on a MotherTalk Blog Tour , and it's fitting that the book is Arianna Huffington's Becoming Fearless , her excursion into what stops us women in our tracks, and what life looks like when we meet fear where it is, toss it to the wind, and figure out what the hell we want in life and how to get it.
We did it! Washington just became the second state in the nation to pass Paid Family Leave this past Tuesday when the Governor signed the bill into law. And this is all because of YOU, the members of MomsRising, and our policy partner organizations! But, we're not stopping with Washington--we're working to roll paid family leave across the country, and American families are counting on us. (Read about how we won with quotes from members and legislators, and sign a thank you letter, in the text below.)
Kristin's picture
When I invite guests on "The Mojo Mom Podcast," I try to choose authors and newsmakers who would be interesting to supporters. As far as I know, my show is the only podcast to focus on the intersection of motherhood, power, work and leadership. The next three episodes shows feature new interviews you won't want to miss, starting with this week's guest, Leslie Bennetts, author of "The Feminine Mistake." [continued...]
