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It’s American Heart Month and we teamed up with the American Heart Association and food blogger and recipe developer Diana Rodriguez to chat all about being heart healthy. Last week’s tweet chat was all about Latinas and Heart health. THE BAD NEWS: Heart disease affects women of all backgrounds, it...
Diana Limongi's picture
Parkland students like Emma Gonzales remind me so much of myself at their age. I was ready to change the world, and I knew exactly how to do it. I also rocked the same kind of natty friendship bracelets, and even shaved my head (well, part of it). Twenty-five years ago, I helped mobilize thousands...
ruby's picture
MomsRising, along with special guests Women’s Refugee Commission and Human Rights Watch holds a Tweetchat on the topic of W omen in Detention and Separation of Families.
Tasmiha Khan's picture
The Coalition on Human Needs just released a special edition of the Human Needs Report focusing on President Trump’s FY19 budget request, including sections on select departmental budgets.
Lecia Imbery's picture
The Parkland School Shooting last week that claimed the lives of 17 students and educators is a national tragedy. Our country’s moms once again mourn that even more people – this time, more children – have been added to the ranks of those victimized by our country’s gun violence epidemic with this...
MomsRising's picture
There is a lot of lip service paid to the concept of family friendly policies. Other times the word family is avoided all together, in favor of terms like two-generation programming, so as to avoid the nuances of what family means. However, whether you say it or don't say it, according to data...
Diana Derige's picture
Latest Action Info
We at MomsRising are both heartbroken that young people are having to fight for their own safety because our national leadership hasn't stood up for kids yet; and incredibly proud of the young people who are stepping forward for gun safety. Let's back them up! *Mark your calendars. MomsRising is...
Kristin's picture
Our hearts are broken this week. We're angry and we're fed up with our leaders' failure to take meaningful action around gun safety and to keep our kids safe. At the very top of our #5Actions list this week is an action to urge Congress to ban the sale of military-style assault weapons with high-...
Karen Showalter's picture
On my first day as a working mother, my brand new child care provider held my infant son with one arm and rubbed my back with other as I cried. After four months at home with him, I had mixed feelings about returning to work. She assured me that he would be in good hands and that he would love...
Katie Hamm's picture
Take Action!
I write this through waves of tears. Florida is my home, Floridians are my people. This morning, my heart is again burning with pain and anger over a mass shooting that has devastated families and an entire community in my state. This time, it was at a high school. A high school. As a mother, the...
Sili Recio's picture
