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MomsRising has launched a project called #KeepMarching, which helps our members on the ground organize their friends, family, neighbors and anyone else in their community into "circles" to take action together and have an impact on their communities as well as for the nation. Some #KeepMarching...
Gloria Pan's picture
As Gov. Inslee Signs Groundbreaking Law, States Get Powerful Blueprint for Building a Strong Paid Family and Medical Leave Program from Scratch
MomsRising's picture
The paid family and medical leave bill the Washington State legislature passed last night is a “model for the nation and a monumental victory for Washington families, small businesses, and our economy,” said Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, CEO and executive director of, a national online...
MomsRising's picture
Stop whatever you are doing and reach for your nearest cape, Wonder Woman arm bands, or whatever makes you feel super and strong. Are you ready? We just won paid family and medical leave for ALL of Washington! I repeat, paid family and medical leave for every worker in Washington. HOLY MOLY! Go...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
Your calls, letters, signatures, stories, visits and loud, outraged voices are helping to slow down (and hopefully stop!) the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and massive cuts to Medicaid! U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was trying to rush his terrible, horrible, no good ‘health care...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
It’s working! Your calls, letters, signatures, stories, visits and loud, outraged voices are helping to slow down (and hopefully stop!) the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and massive cuts to Medicaid! U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was trying to rush his terrible, horrible, no good...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
A new Common Sense Media study shows that learning gender roles from movies and TV shows has real consequences on kids' self-esteem, relationships -- and even their future careers.
Caroline Knorr's picture
Do you hear that? Celebratory fireworks are going off early this year! And no, it's not your over-eager neighbors this time. On July 1st, *SIX* new paid sick days laws will go into effect!
Sara Alcid's picture
This piece originally appeared in the Daily Kos . As if single parents didn’t have enough shame heaped on them, the New York Times decided to pile on. On Wednesday, columnist David Leonhardt wrote : "People who follow the success sequence first receive at least a high school degree, then get a job...
Elisa Batista's picture
I never thought that I’d serve in Congress; never thought that my name would be on the ballot. But life happens and things change. When I look around my community, I saw people dying every day from senseless gun violence. I watched mothers bury their children; watched young people take bullets...
Robin Kelly's picture
