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Note from author: I updated this piece from summer 2015 to reflect the latest poverty data. I believe that this piece is a good fit for MomsRising’s Black History Month blog carnival because there is a persistent and harsh legacy that confronts people of color, our families, and communities every...
Tazra Mitchell's picture
On February 17, 2016, Media Matters for America and the Advancement Project hosted a panel in Washington, D.C. on how the media contributes to the criminalization of people of color. Panelists included Danielle Belton (, Judith Brown Dianis (Advancement Project), Cristina Lopez, (Media...
Gianna Judkins's picture
Guns do NOT belong everywhere! Write Michigan lawmakers and tell them to protect our communities.
Elyssa Schmier's picture
This blog post originally appeared in The African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Minister's Coalition 4 Redemption & Justice , a growing group of AME clergy across the country uniting to stand against injustice in the criminal justice system in the United States. John 19:17-18 NKJ 17 And He, bearing...
Reverend Charles F. Boyer's picture
A note from the National Women's Law Center: This post previously appeared on NWLC's blog . We thought it was appropriate for this blog carnival since, as the post mentions, the Flint water crisis is an issue that disproportionately impacts poor women of color, particularly black women, and thus is...
Amanda Hooper's picture
This week we're excited to feature Nedra, a bike enthusiast, healthy-living advocate, and entrepreneur from Atlanta. Nedra runs Civil Bikes, which uses bike tours and classes to get people active and teach them about social justice, all at the same time. Thanks for all you do, Nedra! 6306.jpeg...
Karen Showalter's picture
My six-year old son is in kindergarten. He's a bright and active boy who loves Star Wars, dinosaurs, raptors, and space. Try to sit him down for an extended period of time to learn about any of those things? Good luck. His teachers are saints. And my son isn't alone. Kids have energy. They need to...
Karen Showalter's picture
The two little girls who opened their mouths for me were only 4 and 5 years old, yet they clearly had a history of severe dental problems. In my dental practice in Colorado this would be pretty shocking but thanks to Indian Country’s horribly insufficient dental care system it’s all too common here...
Terry Batliner's picture
I was lying in bed Sunday morning reading from author Anne Lamott’s beautiful little book Small Victories . In one of her stories about parenting, she shares with a little self-deprecation, but mostly tenderness, how she doesn’t bake for PTA fund raisers, is often disorganized and sometimes forgets...
Renee Trudeau's picture
The radio show this week covers Beyonce, #BlackLivesMatter, and what pop culture does/doesn't do to move us forward; hears the inside scoop on the Presidential election from the Granite State; discusses the power of humor, red pumps and of using pop culture for change; and finds out why people are...
Kristin's picture
