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I'm struck by the recent op-ed by rapper-poet-pop star K'naan in the NY Times, "Censoring Myself for Success," found here . It made me sad - but wasn't surprising - to read how music industry executives wanted him to water down his message and fascinating life story growing up in war-torn Mogadishu...
Homa Tavangar's picture
After his reelection, speculation quickly began about what the second term of President Obama will mean for immigrant communities. While we breathed a sigh of relief following the defeat of Mitt Romney's self-deportation politics, it would be irresponsible for us to return to 2008 levels of hope...
Pablo Alvarado's picture
Well, it's settled. With President Obama reelected and the Supreme Court upholding the Affordable Care Act, health reform is definitely moving forward. But what's happening in your state? How can you get involved in how health reform is implemented in your state and make sure it addresses the needs...
Jane Yoo's picture
(If I were to forget myself completely and have a screaming fit at Congress, this is what I would say.) This ridiculous and petty behavior between you two has got to stop. I have had it up to here with this incessant bickering and not getting along. While you have been competing for alpha male, our...
Valerie Young's picture
By Ashley Wheeland, Health Policy Attorney at the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative We are all getting tired of hearing about the "fiscal cliff." Probably even more so for our U.S. Congressional members. But the deal Congress and the President come up with could impact what American families pay...
Ashley Wheeland's picture
This song is a free song and can be downloaded at Facebook . "Dream to Belong" is a music video in support of the DREAM Act, DACA and Comprehensive Immigration reform; Dedicated to all the Dreamers and in memory of Dreamer Joaquin Luna and our ally Shaun Chapa. It features great DREAMer orgs: UWD,...
Andres Useche's picture
For four months in 2010, I woke up around 6 a.m., ate breakfast, tied my shoes, and headed out the door down a long road to liberation as I walked through the Southeast. Although many doubted our ability to complete the 1,500-mile trek from Miami to Washington, D.C. we held our heads high, despite...
Felipe Sousa-Rodriguez's picture
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Most of us know the immortal words of Emma Lazarus in the poem written on the base of the...
Reverend Alexia Salvatierra's picture
As President Obama and Congress members begin to break down immigration, we need to imagine a world where migration and immigration are embraced. Here is a video, in which I break down immigration reform and why we need it--for our economy but also for our souls and our future. Thanks for watching!
Pramila Jayapal's picture
The 2012 elections were historic for many reasons. One of the most significant, yet unheralded, achievements was the passage on the ballot of the Maryland Dream Act, which enables children to qualify for in-state college tuition regardless of their immigration status. The Maryland Dream Act will...
Congresswoman Donna Edwards's picture
