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Expansion in Oregon Tests whether it’s a Distinction without a Difference As I previously blogged, the Catholic hospital brand is no longer desirable in the marketplace for mergers and acquisitions of healthcare entities. This realization led Catholic Healthcare West , the nation’s fifth largest...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture
Traditional canned barbeque fare and potentially hazardous grilled meat can make barbeques feel like a toxic minefield. Luckily, there are plenty of easy ways to keep all of your favorite foods while protecting your health. Try these top five tips for throwing a nontoxic barbeque this summer! Photo...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
This Friday at 11:00 AM PT/ 2:00 PM ET, MomsRising will co-host a tweet chat in collaboration with a number of national organizations, including: Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum * Black Women’s Health Imperative * Center for American Progress * Families USA * League of United...
Anita's picture
by Jean Halloran, Director of Food Policy Initiatives at Consumers Union Antibiotics use is widespread in the production of livestock, helping to create "superbugs," and aggravating the public health problem of antibiotic resistance. To address these issues, Consumers Union, the policy and advocacy...
Jean Halloran's picture
By Dania Palanker , Senior Advisor The health care law is saving money for seniors. Let me reword that. The health care law is saving a lot of money for seniors. By a lot, I mean $3.7 billion in savings for seniors and people with disabilities in Medicare . Yes, that is billion with a b . Those...
Thao Nguyen's picture
African-American children suffer from obesity at a greater rate than any other group of children in the United States. There are many complex factors that contribute to this epidemic. But one factor, junk foods sold in schools, is being tackled by moms and dads nationwide. The USDA may soon issue...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Happy to see my op-ed at FOX News Latino . I'd love to hear your comments! -Elisa The suspense continues on how the Supreme Court will render its ruling on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. If the ruling upholds the law, then millions of families across the nation will continue to...
Elisa Batista's picture
Good news: We’re expecting! We’re expecting that Congress will soon receive a special delivery message from moms and dads that families need paid family leave! The "stork" (i.e. MomsRising moms) will be delivering thousands of signatures to our open letter to Congress on Tuesday, July 10th. Have...
Ruth Martin's picture
Analysis by the Institute for Women's Policy Research finds that although women make up the majority of community college students, men and women in community college pursue very different degrees, with women generally training for lower-paying careers. Women with associate degrees earn, on average...
Caroline Dobuzinskis's picture
Last week I joined with other Triangle families down at the North Carolina General Assembly for a “Toxic Free Kids Olympics” in the Children’s Garden. The purpose of the event was to highlight the need for legislation to get harmful chemicals out of the products we buy. Moms and kids played games...
Felicia Burnett's picture
