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The federal minimum wage for tipped restaurant workers has been $2.13 for the past 20 years. That’s right! Two dollars and thirteen cents can’t even buy a gallon of gas or milk; yet, it is the hourly federal minimum wage for thousands of restaurant workers – most of whom are women! “I have worked...
Monifa Bandele's picture
A blog carnival on tipped workers' wages wouldn't be complete without the voices of those working for tipped wages themselves. Below are just eighteen of the hundreds of personal stories submitted by MomsRising members. Take a look and share your responses in the comments. We'd love to hear your...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Name a country where large numbers of women legally earn less than minimum wage and have to drag themselves to work sick or risk losing their job. To all the places that come to mind, add the United States of America. The workers in question are employed in one of the largest and fastest growing...
Ellen Bravo's picture
Editor's note: This is the testimony of Barbara Sibley for the Restaurant Opportunities Center's Congressional briefing on the WAGES Act, with Rep. Donna Edwards (MD) in attendance. Barbara Sibley, owner of La Palapa: Good Morning Congresswoman Edwards, Congressional Staff, Colleagues, Ladies and...
Barbara Sibley's picture
The woman serving you your meal tonight may not be earning enough to feed herself. The recently released Restaurant Opportunities Centers United report “Tipped Over,” found that seven of the ten lowest-paid occupations are in the restaurant industry which employs 10 million workers, the majority of...
Linda Meric's picture
Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director & C.E.O Healthy Child Healthy World On Valentine’s Day, the last thing you want to think about is whether toxic chemicals will prevent you from starting a family. But with rates of infertility on the rise and testosterone levels in decline, we may need...
Photo credit: Photo by Flickr user Perfecto Insecto I used to love flipping through beauty magazines, devouring beauty tips, tricks, and recommendations. It was all so fun, and so out of reach. Because what's the one thing all of those sudsy face washes, rich eye creams, and sleek bottles of toner...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Breast pumps are tax deductible but what about storage bags? The bottles? That nursing pillow? With just two months left before April 15th, millions of Americans like me are waking up to the reality that we've got to gather those piles of receipts and hunker down with that dreaded tax return. Last...
Ashley Boyd's picture
Pop quiz: What was the federal minimum wage for tipped restaurant workers in the United States in 1992 (20 years ago)? Answer: $2.13 an hour. Next question: Right now, in 2012, what's the federal minimum wage for tipped restaurant workers? Answer: Still only $2.13 an hour. Yikes! Sad, but true: The...
Ruth Martin's picture
The federal minimum wage for tipped restaurant workers has been $2.13 for the past 20 years. That’s right! Two dollars and thirteen cents can’t even buy a gallon of gas or milk; yet, it is the hourly federal minimum wage for thousands of restaurant workers - most of whom are women! “I have worked...
Monifa Bandele's picture
