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Last Friday, February 5th we held an all-ages-sing-along-dance-party with in the Washington State Capitol Rotunda to make sure Washington legislators don't forget about kids and families this legislative session. The fantastic parents, tots and friends that joined us proved that Political Activism...
Sarah Francis's picture
It wasn't that long ago that my frustration over bad public policies was mostly heard by my husband (patient soul) and the 4 walls of my kitchen. Then I started blogging about it , any my audience expanded (and I felt better!). It never really crossed my mind back then that I'd wind up testifying...
Lisa Frack's picture
The Poor Kim Braithwaite was making progress. She was working two jobs to support her two children, 9-year old Justina and 1-year-old Justin. But on October 12, 2003, she faced a dilemma: her babysitter was late. Kim would be tardy for her shift at McDonald's if she delayed and she worried that she...
Joan C. Williams's picture
At 2AM last Friday, Roseanne Roseannadanna (1) was keeping me company. My head kept trying to sooth itself with her famous SNL mantra: “If it’s not one thing, it’s another“ followed by her wonderful laundry lists of foul items. Mine: fluids of many sorts -- gallons of liquid from our burst water...
Sharon Meers's picture
I just finished reading "Equally Shared Parenting: Half the Work....All the Fun" by Marc and Amy Vachon, and I really enjoyed it, in large part because they say so many of the same things as Sharon and I. I especially love the fact that the book was written by a couple, and they seem so confident...
Sharon Meers's picture
Most parents are overwhelmed when first entering into parenthood. This can cause emotional frustration and financial worry. To relieve this emotional burden, all parents should receive paid maternity and paternity leave for the first two years of their children’s lives . By providing this...
The first step to any recovery is admitting there is a problem. Now what are we going to do about it? In just one year, the National Football League (NFL) went from a complete denial of any link between concussions and long-lasting effects on the brain to a solid “maybe.” It literally took an act...
Linda T. Sanchez's picture
Originally Posted on the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families Blog When I first considered testifying before today's Senate hearings on public exposures to toxic chemicals , I wasn’t sure if I could handle the drastic disruption to my life. It meant taking several days off work and flying from Seattle...
The Mind, Disrupted project found toxins in the bodies of those with learning and developmental disabilities. Senators got an ear-full this week from advocates calling for laws to protect children from dangerous chemicals.
Kristin Schafer's picture
A must-see video for anyone who cares about the health and development of children.
