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Safe Tables Our Priority is celebrating our 16th anniversary this holiday season. We have accomplished so much in the past year, and we’re even more excited about what we plan to accomplish in the future. Here is a sampling of what we’ve been doing this year and projects that we’ve started: Created...
As a new mom, I quickly learned what a cry of hunger sounds like. I was amazed by how quickly that cry drove me to action -- no mom can ignore that sound. Unfortunately, in today's economy, more and more families don't have the resources to answer those cries. In fact, a recent USDA study found...
Sarah Francis's picture
Too often lost in the debate over health care reform is the importance of preventive measures such as exercise and healthy eating to ensure that a doctor's visit is less likely to be needed in the first place. This is especially true for children whose early brain development and future health...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog While you’re lying there, semi-conscious, a human petri dish of contagion, consider this: There’s nothing like a pandemic to highlight the holes in a nation’s public health policy. I am committed to getting women, family careworkers, and paid careworkers the...
Valerie Young's picture
Health care for women is in the news these days. But what does it all mean? Having just researched for my new book what different decisions emerge when 30% women are at the table, I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if Congress were made up of 30% women, instead of 17%. But more on...
Linda Tarr-Whelan's picture
At MomsRising, we've been working for years to keep kids safe from toxic Bisphenol-A (BPA) in food containers and bottles. We've generated tens of thousands of letters to Congress and state legislatures, and sent pages of petition signatures to manufacturers. We've made progress -- but we still...
Ariana Kelly's picture
We’ve been very busy over at S.T.O.P. due to the Food Safety Modernization Act that just passed through the Senate HELP Committee this week. A lot of the stories and information for this week’s round-up pertain to the bill and people supporting it. You can receive these updates on food safety, plus...
My usual approach to grassroots activism is to focus on making laws better: paid family leave, toxics, breastfeeding, you get the picture. Pretty much the usual issues that rightfully rile up today’s moms in the U.S. (that Moms Rising has thankfully plunked in the center of the proverbial “kitchen...
Lisa Frack's picture
Join us on Mon., 11/23 -- Stand Strong for Inclusive Health Reform (SF) Communities of color from across California are gathering at the health reform table because we are part of this country. Back in Washington, DC, people like Rep. Joe Wilson represent America’s worst. On Monday, November 23, in...
Earlier this month, the House of Representatives approved their health reform bill by a razor-thin margin. Now, opponents of health reform (i.e., highly-paid insurance industry lobbyists) are working to make sure that comprehensive health reform is stopped in the Senate. It's time to remind...
Ashley Boyd's picture
