This year comes with new resolutions, but one of my goals has not changed: Continue using my Mom Voice to make our child care needs to be heard and prioritized. I am a mother of two and a full-time educator working remotely due to the COVID-19. Like many of you, I am continuously trying to figure...
I became a parent for the third time shortly after the 2016 election, and I vividly remember the sinking feeling of doubt and fear of bringing another child into a world where the United States would elect someone like this as our president. As the descendant of Austrian-Jewish immigrants, the...
ICYMI: Happy New Year MomsRising members! Not suprisingly, it's been one heck of a first week, see-sawing between joy for Georgia, horror for the attack on the Capitol, and the long, grinding struggle of keeping our families safe and secure in the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Take a look at what rose...
We are horrified by the violence pro-Trump terrorists and white supremacists committed at the U.S. Capitol and across Washington, D.C. yesterday, and the swarming of state capitals across the country. → *Join us in urging Congress to impeach Trump immediately and for the Vice President and Cabinet...
Can you do a phone bank shift (or two!) to help remind Georgia voters about the January 5th Special Election for 2 U.S. Senate seats that’s just 7 short days from now? It's GO TIME!
As 2020 winds to a close, we’re sharing just a few of the powerful, joyful, from-the-heart notes and photos that literally thousands of MomsRising supporters like you have shared with us in the past year. Thank you.
Today I want to introduce you to a standout MomsRising supporter. Meet Miyun, a MomsRising volunteer who hand-wrote 2,500 postcards with her 80-year-old mom. Miyun shared her story and picture with us:
As we close out the year we have some special guests on the radio show this week as we talk about how much emergency relief from Congress it will take to revive the U.S. economy. We also discuss the need to extend paid leave and sick days and uncover what's going with after school care and how to...
Your urgent action is still needed before the country shuts down for the year-end holidays! The clock is ticking: We’ve got to keep urging Congress to help families who are suffering COVID’s economic fallout by taking immediate steps to strengthen and expand unemployment insurance, as well as...
As part of its America For Early Ed Initiative, NAEYC created its “Our Votes. Their Futures” electoral advocacy campaign, which engaged thousands of child care providers and families in the 2020 elections. NAEYC teamed up with partners like ECM and hosted virtual panels at both major parties’ conventions, took part in National Voter Registration Day, and used social media to bring attention to child care as an issue to ask candidates about during debates and to hold them accountable for when elected.