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If it weren't so scary, it'd be funny. Governor Schwarzenegger's "cuts-only" budget is so poisonous for California's children that he's even cutting funding for the Poison Control Hotline! That's right! The Governor's proposal would mean that we'll be the only state in the nation with no poison...
Ashley Boyd's picture
A recent Good Morning America story reflected something I’m hearing more of from friends: now doesn’t feel like a safe time to take a full maternity leave. As Ellen Galinsky notes in the piece “The issue for women these days is that they are increasingly important financial supporters of the family...
Morra Aarons-Mele's picture
Did you know that a bill proposing a paid sick days law was first introduced in Congress in 2004? Since then, never, not once, did the bill even get scheduled for a Congressional Committee hearing -- one of the first big steps before a bill can become a law. Until now.
From Your Woman In Washington Written by MOTHERS volunteer Kelly Coyle DiNorcia ( I recently took a ride down to Princeton, NJ to see a talk given by a woman named Shannon Hayes. It was about what she calls Radical Homemaking, or Enlightened Homemaking. Radical Homemakers...
Valerie Young's picture
Today I was in Sacramento testifying in support of a bill that would help eliminate flame retardants from baby and toddler products. The good news is the bill survived the business and professions committee and is off to the Assembly appropriations committee. The bad news is it was watered down a...
Elisa Batista's picture
(This piece is part of the Fem2.0 blog carnival : For Women, the Other Side of Work Isn't Play, It's Caregiving. ) I’m tired. My job and two kids take it out of me both physically and mentally, every day. The husband, a most loving partner and doting father, is happy to help, eager for instruction...
Gloria Pan's picture
Emily McKhann, When I first started blogging in 2004 I had no idea the impact it would have on my life. Yes, I found a place to talk about what was going on in my world, but much more important as it turned out, I got to read - in fact really hear – the stories of other moms and...
More parents than ever are balancing work and raising children. When I was growing up, just over one-third of mothers with young children worked outside the home. Today, it’s nearly two-thirds. The cost of quality child care is steadily increasing across New York. families across New York are...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
Quick Note: Please check us out at Daily Kos and "recommend" our diary! Last week Senate Bill 772 , a California bill that would stop a de facto requirement for toxic chemicals in the foam of children’s furniture and baby products, barely made it out of the Assembly environmental committee. The...
Elisa Batista's picture
This July 4, MomsRising is urging our members to declare independence from toxic chemicals and become part of the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families campaign! At MomsRising, we hear from members all the time who are deeply concerned about dangerous chemicals in the environment and in the products we...
Ariana Kelly's picture
