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We all want what’s best for our children and strive to keep them healthy and happy. This is very difficult in today’s hectic world . Our children are being constantly exposed to seductive advertising for non-healthy food and beverage options. Sugary drinks are one major culprit of health problems...
John Rausch's picture
Let’s face it – safety net programs like Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and the medical expenses deduction have a bad rap. For decades we have heard myths about undeserving “welfare Moms” and able-bodied young adults who could work...
Jamie Davis Smith's picture
Something really scary happened recently! Scarier than those ghosts, witches, and ghouls that showed up trick-or-treating at your door the other night. Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a bill today that would give $1.5 trillion (TRILLION!!) in tax cuts to the top 1...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Our nation’s veterans have made innumerable sacrifices in service to our country. They have earned our gratitude and our support, and on Veterans Day our country formally honors them for that service. If we are to truly make meaningful the tributes that we pay to our veterans, then surely, we...
Abby Leibman's picture
*** Want more information on raising multilingual children? Visit MomsRising's bilingual parenting resource site: Passing down traditions, culture, and language was always something I envisioned myself doing as a mother. When I married...
Mariana Proske's picture
Welcome to tax policy by conflict-of-interest. The Republican tax scheme is a plan made for billionaires – exactly like the one in the White House. – Rob Weissman, president, Public Citizen Yesterday, the House Republicans released bill text for their tax giveaway plan—and the details are just as...
Susan Harley's picture
Hope is a song in a weary throat. Give me a song of hope And a world where I can sing it. Give me a song of faith And a people to believe in it. Give me a song of kindliness And a country where I can live it. Give me a song of hope and love And a brown girl’s heart to hear it. This verse is from...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Parenting is amazing, but can also come with it’s challenges. . Because of this we asked YOU what scary parenting challenges you would like us to discuss with the amazing Lina Acosta Sandaal, an early childhood mental health specialist from Stop Parenting Alone . She answered our questions and...
Abbie Gately's picture
I admit; I can be swayed by the food industry’s marketing messages. When I see ads depicting fruits and vegetables or using physical activity to promote food or drinks, it causes me to think that products may be healthier than they actually are. And it turns out kids think the same thing. A new...
Sally Mancini's picture
You've all have been busy since we were last in touch! I've seen great posts from you around so many of our issue areas (especially health care, immigration and paid family leave). Thank you for continuing to resist in the best way you know how. As we move forward, we want to keep the communication...
Sili Recio's picture
