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by Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff Executive Director and CEO Healthy Child Healthy World On the heels of last week’s CDC report that found higher rates of autism than ever before—now affecting 1 in 88 children and representing a 78% increase in the last 10 years— a new study published...
The just-released data on autism shows a count of one in 88 children, up from a rate of one in 100 three years ago, and one in 150 five years ago. With each change, the response remains the same: Oh that’s because of better detection and broader definitions. How, then, to account for the sharp...
Junior year of high school, my best friend found out that new male hires at her job were being paid the same amount as her, even though she had been there for a year. When she told me, my reaction could eloquently be summed up as “Huh?” Her realization that she was experiencing pay discrimination...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
Cross posted with author permission from the Huffington Post . Wow. So many readers of my last blog post thought I was endorsing Rick Santorum, his policy prescriptions and all the anti-gay and anti-women statements he has made when I wrote that I’d miss him in the Presidential contest. Not at all...
Ann OLeary's picture
Workers are under attack and women are bearing the brunt of it when it comes to pay . Who’s to blame? Corporate-backed politicians typified by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Last week, in the dead of night, Walker signed a piece of legislation that rolls back progress on pay equity in his state,...
Gerald McEntee's picture
According to the National Center for Educational Statistics : Female high school graduates are more likely than male graduates to have taken geometry, algebra II, pre-calculus, biology, and chemistry. Females are more likely than their male classmates to participate in music or performing arts,...
Deborah L. Frett's picture
Women who serve in the military have complete pay parity. Even in a world where women and men in uniform work, train, fight, and unfortunately some died together, equal pay remains constant. The civilian world could learn a great deal about how much better an organization can perform when pay is...
Kimberly Olson's picture
I was disheartened to hear Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin recently signed a law that repealed Wisconsin’s Fair Pay Act. This commonsense piece of legislation, like the Lilly Ledbetter Act signed into law by President Obama in 2009, was designed to make it easier for victims of wage...
Kirsten Gillibrand's picture
Tuesday, April 17 is Equal Pay Day, a day to mark the fact that women still only earn 77 percent for each dollar earned annually by men and 82 percent of each dollar earned weekly. A new fact sheet released today by the Institute for Women's Policy Research (IWPR) shows that the gender wage gap is...
Caroline Dobuzinskis's picture
As someone who considers herself to be pretty plugged in to gender issues, I have often heard the statistic about the ratio of women’s and men’s earnings, and figured I knew most of the story. The past few months I have been going merrily along pursuing job leads in preparation for graduation from...
Vanessa Harbin's picture
