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More than 4,100 Arkansans lost Medicaid coverage on Oct. 1, adding to the more than 4,350 adults in the state who were kicked off the Medicaid roles on Sept. 1. These nearly 8,500 adults lost their coverage due to the state’s harsh new work reporting requirements, which require beneficiaries to report at least 80 hours of work or work-related activities every month.
Lecia Imbery's picture
When the 2017 $1.9 trillion in tax cuts were enacted, many of us predicted that the hole in the budget caused by the lost revenue would be used by the Trump Administration and some in Congress to justify cuts in basic needs programs like Medicaid, Medicare, housing, and SNAP. And we were right.
Debbie Weinstein's picture
This week marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Black Power salute given by Olympic medalists Tommie Smith and John Carlos as the American anthem played during their medal ceremony at the 1968 Olympic Games. Their quiet nonviolent protest earned them loud and widespread criticism, death threats...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
Quick Action!
"I receive childcare assistance through my local DHS office. If I didn’t get this assistance I could not work (even though I live paycheck to paycheck) and would have to apply for Welfare. I’m more than grateful for every penny I receive for childcare. Without it I would have to pay $120 a week! My...
Nina Perez's picture
Last week, we had the pleasure of taking part of multiple gatherings that focused on maternal health. The joy of meeting likeminded individuals who are on the same journey to improve the substandard care that is being provided in the United States for women across the board is not only refreshing...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Many of us are still reeling from the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh as a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. But women and people who are concerned about the rights of survivors of sexual assault are ever more united in our conviction that the confirmation fight cannot be in vain and we will...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
Take Action!
With Voting Day just a few weeks away, get prepared and know your voting rights so you can make sure your vote counts on November 6th!
Elyssa Schmier's picture
It's ON. Early voting is underway in North Carolina from Wednesday, October 17th, until Saturday, November 3rd (of course, you can also vote on Election Day, November 6th!). There's a lot at stake for women and families this election – now it's YOUR turn to have the final say when you head to the...
BethM's picture
What is the big deal with the midterm elections? Everyone is talking about them. It seems you can’t surf social media, listen to the radio, or watch television without hearing something about them these days. What is the big whoop? Well, let me tell you why they are important and why I am voting...
Adriana Hutchings's picture
Work & Family
[photo of 3 adults and 2 children]
October is National Work and Family Month and it’s a good time to talk about the demands of both work and family. Workers, especially working parents, need workplace supports that help address deep systemic inequities based on race, class, and gender. We need policies that make it possible for...
Seayoung Yim's picture
