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The Olympics! The torch. The pageantry. The athletic accomplishments that are unimaginable to us mere mortals. This is a historic Olympics for women: The U.S. team included more female athletes than male for the first time ever. We've come a long way since Title Nine passed 40 years ago, now more...
Kristin's picture
Summer break is coming to an end way too soon (or maybe not soon enough!). Kids will be going back to school to get a heavy dose of reading, writing, math, and (for many kids) junk food. That’s right! Monday, the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine released a report by Bridging The Gap,...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Teeth swiped from tooth fairies could provide important information about the link between chemicals and autism. Researchers are excited . We already know that timing is a critical piece of the autism/chemical connection. Scientists now say that by grinding up baby teeth, they can accurately...
Kristin Schafer's picture
Candy Crowley. Image via Wikipedia. Great news yesterday! FINALLY, after decades without a female moderator, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced that a woman, Candy Crowley of CNN, would moderate one of the three nationally televised Presidential debates. [1] Woot! *Click here to...
Kristin's picture
What I liked most about the Olympics were the commercials that thanked moms for all they do behind the scenes to help their children achieve their best. As the mother of a young athlete who finds herself stretched between working full-time and getting my son to hockey and soccer practices, I saw...
Donna De La Cruz's picture
If there was ever any doubt that the U.S. federal budget would claim center-stage in the 2012 presidential race, it vanished with Mitt Romney's selection of House Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) as the GOP Vice Presidential nominee. Although Mitt Romney has emphasized he will run on a Romney budget,...
Jo Comerford's picture
This year, in California, we have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of more than 200,000 working women. There isn’t a mom out there who will tell you that domestic work isn’t real work -- as moms, we all know the effort that goes into caring for others. But for more than 70...
Bekah Mandell's picture
Every true champion knows that the road to victory is filled with sacrifice. My mother is no exception. In the early 1990’s my mother, my younger sister and I were living in an inner-city corridor of San Salvador, El Salvador. After a spike in violence overtook our neighborhood, my mother debated...
Paul Monge-Rodriguez's picture
1. It’s about good parenting – strong, secure, healthy care providers means strong children, families & communities. 2. I want building the new little souls and bodies of our children to be as valued and as compensated as building the roads and buildings in our communities. 3. I want my...
Mimi Ho's picture
It has been exactly two years (as of March 1st) that Jessica has watched and cared for my son, Yuji, while I am at work 3 days per week. Hiring Jessica has been one of the best decisions of my new life as a parent. She is like a third parent to Yuji and is a parent-mentor to me and my partner,...
Lindsay Imai's picture
