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California lawmakers just made it easier for millions of children to get the health care they need, while, at the same time, building on California’s role as a leader in advancing technology. Specifically, Assembly Bill (AB) 415 (Logue), which was signed into law by Governor Brown late last week,...
Welcome to the third #HERVotes Blog Carnival! This time, the focus is on women and health care. The blog posts below share personal stories and details about the new benefits from the health care reform law, while also offering original insights on what’s at stake for women and health care. You'll...
Kristin's picture
I thought it important to bring “she” into the health care picture, thus the slight modification from the “he” used in the original Arabian proverb. The “she” factor for me occurred when my own sister was diagnosed with breast cancer more than 10 years ago. After her first round of surgery, I...
Christy Jones's picture
This year The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective celebrated the publication of its seminal book “Our Bodies, Ourselves” 40 years ago. This book ignited changes in health care delivery in the US and worldwide. In the early 1970’s women knew very little about our bodies. Doctors had all of the...
Byllye Y. Avery's picture
OK, I admit, that’s a pretty distasteful headline. It could have been worse, though, couldn’t it? No one likes to think about having a long tube inserted through their rectum up into their intestines, which is what it takes to look at the colon. And that long tube is only part of the yucky story...
Greater protections against insurance company abuses: NO MORE RESCISSIONS: Insurance companies are prohibited from dropping your coverage if you become sick. NO MORE LIFETIME LIMITS: Insurance companies are prohibited from limiting the amount of money they will pay for your benefits over your...
Thao Nguyen's picture
It’s hard to know what to pay attention to in the flood of health reform policy jargon and acronyms, but here’s one new term that we think it’s important for women to understand: health insurance exchange . What is an “exchange”? It will be a new way for those of us who don’t have health insurance...
What do you think is an essential part of your health care? Is it a specific service that most women need at some time in their lives, like maternity care or contraception? Is it something that you hope you’ll never need, but it darn well better be covered when you need it, like reconstruction...
The Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) places full access to quality, affordable health care and the importance of health education for working women front and center to our work. This was made abundantly clear last month during our 16th Biennial Convention when our delegates overwhelming passed...
Carol Rosenblatt's picture
Like thousands of other families the recession has hit ours hard, but it could be worse. My family currently has health insurance, and both my husband and I still have jobs. We live paycheck to paycheck but still I feel lucky. It’s a tenuous luck, a luck that is one medical emergency away from...
