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Here is yet another story I just spotted for the MomsRising blog carnival. Daisy Cuevas, the 7-year-old girl who got to ask First Lady Michelle Obama a question, has become a symbol for undocumented immigrants in the country. Here is the Associated Press story about it. Cuevas, who attends an...
Elisa Batista's picture
In addition to the obvious racist and xenophobic implications of the new Arizona immigration law , in addition to the obvious concerns that this unlawful law targets residents based on the hue of their skin and the language on their lips, there is something else that troubles us. SB 1070 is an...
Linda Meric's picture
I know firsthand the struggle and heartbreak immigrant families experience when loved ones are incarcerated. My experience in a U.S. immigration jail led me to dedicate my life to advocating on behalf of this often marginalized community. And while it’s no secret that the U.S. has both the highest...
Amalia Guzman Molina's picture
Children of immigrants currently comprise nearly 1 in 4 of all U.S. children. It is estimated that more than 5 million of these children, the majority of whom are native-born U.S. citizens, live in mixed-status families with one or more undocumented parent. While the debate over comprehensive...
Wendy Cervantes's picture
Welcome to the MomsRising blog carnival about the human and civil rights impacts of current immigration law enforcement practices on children, mothers, and families. Our goal is to facilitate an online conversation on this topic by bringing together the voices of many people together in one online...
Kristin's picture
Phoenix, Arizona, May 25, 2010 I write on behalf of Latina immigrant mothers in Arizona, to share their experiences under the current anti-immigrant onslaught. I am a sociologist who has conducted research in the Phoenix area for over a decade, and therefore have followed events that affect...
Cross posted from TruthOut The owner of Mulligans, a watering hole popular with middle-aged white men in Cobb County, Georgia, regularly updates his marquee to comment on current events. Here is what's up today: HELL YEH, ARIZONA. SEND THEM WETBACKS HOME! ANCHOR BABIES & ALL! IF U CAN'T FEED UM...
Countless demonstrations have taken place in a national effort to bring attention to the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act , also known as The Dream Act. In solidarity with the Dream Act, and the countless students who would benefit from this legislation, I share with you my...
There is no doubt that the issue of Comprehensive Immigration Reform is complicated. It is about land resources; securing our borders, north and south; managing our country's abilities to progress; and, it is especially about how we as a country value our human resources. In practice, the issues in...
What is the DREAM act? The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (S. 729), introduced by Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Richard Lugar (R-IN), is bi-partisan legislation that provides certain immigrant students who grew up in the U.S. with increased access to higher education and...
Wendy Cervantes's picture
