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This is a special Mother’s Day edition of #5Actions! We are looking forward to celebrating with all the moms and like-moms in our lives on Sunday and we hope you are too! But we all know that Mother’s Day is about more than brunches, flowers, and chocolates – it's a time we take to honor the moms...
Taylor Austin's picture
Have you recently left the grocery store wondering how anyone can afford food? Me too. The truth is not many people can. The rising cost of food is making it difficult for moms, grandparents, and families to put food on the table. And worse still, many families who rely on the Supplemental...
Joy Ikekhua's picture
Breaking news! We are an estimated 22 days away from the GOP-created debt ceiling crisis becoming a world-wide problem. [1] If Congress doesn’t take immediate action to raise the debt ceiling, like Trump did three times on his watch [2], we will– for the first time in history – default, leading to...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
Can you believe it's already mid-May, and Mother's Day is this Sunday, May 14, only a few short days away? This Mother's Day, MomsRising is giving thanks for this community, and honoring the work that moms and caregivers do every single day. Will you share a story about being a mom, or in honor or...
Kristin's picture
It’s go time in the New Hampshire legislature! Thanks to all your advocacy, we’ve seen some huge wins so far this year – and we need your help again! Let’s keep that MOMentum going as the Senate Finance committee works on the state budget. → Send a quick email to the Senate Finance committee asking...
MacKenzie Nicholson's picture
Toddler in field clapping
April was blooming with MOMentum. HUZZAH!
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Parents Bill of Rights flyer
During March's #KeepMarching meeting, we dove deep into what the so-called “Parents Bill of Rights”is really about, the harm it will have on our kids and communities, and explored ideas for protecting our communities. We are very grateful to Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, MomsRising’s Executive Director...
Joy Ikekhua's picture
On the radio show this week we cover the power of story (your story!!) and of narrative to change the world for the better; what’s happening with the Republican default debacle; cover the latest with the Chamber of Moms and how you can get involved; and hear about the fight for fair pay and a new...
MomsRising's picture
It is often the stories that we don’t share that are amongst the most important ones. I know that after I gave birth to my son 21 years ago no one knew that I was hardly eating and regularly crying both in private and in public. It was only years later that I felt comfortable sharing that with...
Gina Arias's picture
Did you know that approximately 50% of the world's population speaks more than one language, while only about 20% of U.S. residents possess this skill? [1] These numbers are shocking. Growing up as a dual language learner, I can attest that being bilingual has opened up unique personal and...
linda's picture
