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MomsRising, I am one of you- a loving mother deeply concerned about the world my children and theirs will inherit from us. That is the most important reason that I became a founding leader of Global Zero ( ) and consulted on our new must see film, Countdown to Zero. The film is a...
I’m going to a bloggers conference. My first. I am qualified because I write this blog. But maybe there’s something else that qualifies me. I write what matters to me. I represent 3.2 million educators in America’s public schools, colleges and universities. And when you represent people, you try to give voice to them.
Lily Eskelsen's picture
I attended a lively, well-attended and diverse -- meaning age, Latino background and allies -- Latino Caucus at the Netroots Nation Convention in Las Vegas today. The caucus was headed by Nicole Rivera, who is a field representative for U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and it did not disappoint. At...
Elisa Batista's picture
We were moms on a mission. We woke up at midnight Saturday morning to attempt the 14,411 ft summit of Mount Rainier. We had a message for Governor Gregoire: close Washington’s largest toxic polluter and point source of deadly carbon — the TransAlta coal-fired power plant in Centralia.
Genevieve Raymond's picture
The launch of the Story of Cosmetics, and a chance for real regulatory action- what a day! Sometimes everything just comes together, you know? The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has been around since 2004, but it is safe to say that today is the most exciting day our coalition has known. Today the...
I write, occasionally, about breastfeeding and bottlefeeding. I try, when I do, to present a balanced approach. It is challenging at times - to reconcile the choices I've made personally with my own children, with evidence-based studies and information that seems to come out regularly pointing to...
Join us tomorrow for a fun and live streaming video event that you can participate in from your living room or your desk! We're bringing questions about health care reform from MomsRising members straight to the world's expert on health reform -- Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen...
Kristin's picture
Why do we write about, talk about, meet about and in general complain about children’s chronic illnesses in the U.S. when statistics show that, year by year, we Americans are living to an ever riper old age? That’s a favorite gotcha question, intended to squash or at least minimize the impact of...
Will health reform require new health care plans to cover pregnancy care and delivery by midwives? Will lactation consultants’ services be covered? Under health reform, health plans will cover standardized, comprehensive benefit packages. The law sets out general categories of benefits that must be...
An iTunes gift card...a Target gift card...Godiva chocolates...and more. Worth playing for? Then please do come to this year's Netroots Nation Parents Caucus , which will be held this Friday at 10:30 a.m. in the Miranda 5 room at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. We will open up this year's...
Elisa Batista's picture
