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A great deal of our popular discourse on “successful women’’ is centered around the alleged question of “work-life balance.’’ Can a professional woman, at the top of her career, really, ever, "have it all?’’ For many, the words “Rhodes Scholar” represent Success with a capital ‘’S.’’ As a woman –...
President Obama made an important promise last week during the State of the Union address: "We are going to crack down on violations of equal pay laws - so that women get equal pay for an equal day's work." Now it's time for us to turn this promise into reality. Thanks to President Obama's...
Ariana Kelly's picture
As we approach the one-year anniversary of President Obama signing the Children’s Health Insurance Program reauthorization, think of all those babies born in the last year who were given a better chance at living a healthy life due to this important legislation. I applaud Governor Culver and other state lawmakers who had the courage and leadership to use CHIP and Medicaid funding to increase their investments in families struggling to weather the current economic storm.
Say Ahhh's picture
President Obama, in his State of the Union speech, called for a push to build new nuclear power plants to help serve our country’s energy needs. This is a truly unwise strategy. We’d go from the frying pan into the fire. At the very time of the President’s speech, a group of Vermonters were out in...
It's virtually impossible to stay on top of current events and not see how toxic chemicals are impacting the health of our environment and our bodies. For me, it’s all overwhelming and difficult to digest at times. And I can’t stop thinking about how the toxic chemicals that are hidden in the...
Renee Blanchard's picture
S.T.O.P.—Safe Tables Our Priority extends our congratulations to Dr. Elisabeth Hagen on her nomination for the position of Undersecretary for Food Safety. Dr. Hagen has hands on experience working for the United State’s Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) in...
In Slow Death by Rubber Duck: The Secret Danger of Everyday Things , a new book by Environmentalists Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie, there’s a scene where Smith, caught in the middle of a chaotic two-kid-household bedtime routine, is stopped in his tracks by the discovery of flame retardants in his...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
So it turns out that cadmium (atomic number forty-eight, for those of you scoring at home) is more than a long-forgotten square on the periodic table. It’s also a toxic heavy metal found in our children’s jewelry. Earlier this month, the Associated Press (AP) revealed that it recently found high...
What do you think of tonight's State of the Union address? Did the President touch on the issues you care about? What do you think of the policies he discussed and his vision for family economic security? Share your thoughts on all this and more here! Join in the conversation now by sharing your...
Kristin's picture
According to recent reports, women are increasingly the primary or sole family breadwinner due to the recession [1]. With women still earning only 78 cents on the dollar to their male counterparts [2], you gotta wonder: How are we supposed to win enough bread for our families, when we're not...
Donna's picture
